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Ambryn & The Cheaters of Death (A Reemergence Novel)

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The long awaited second book of the critically acclaimed, bestselling Reemergence is here.

With an important diplomatic visit to the troll nation just days away, Tesser receives a phone call with dire news from Sin City. A bus is found in the desert filled with the husks of dead bodies killed by something far from human. Unable to break away from the crucial meeting with the ancient troll kingdom he dispatches his brother Ambryn, the dragon of death, in his stead.

Ancient mistakes are finally ripening like rotten fruit, and the black dragon must rush to the December desert of Nevada to harvest his own missteps before they transform an entire city into a necropolis before the world’s eyes. And this time Ambryn doesn’t have the help of his sister Kaula, so his task may be nearly impossible. At least now he has Mr. Doyle, Spoon, and a dark man with darker deeds in his past from old Europe on his side.

Not all change is good. Welcome to the Reemergence.

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3 thoughts on “Ambryn & The Cheaters of Death (A Reemergence Novel)

  1. Ambryn does not disappoint! When I finished the first book Tesser, I couldn’t wait for the sequel, and Chris did NOT disappoint with Ambryn. Where the first book told the story of the dragon of life, this one focuses on his opposite, the dragon of death. Chris brings back many of my favorite characters from Tesser, along with a few new ones. One of my favorite things about Chris’ writing style is how easy it is to fall in love with or deeply hate a character; their personalities simply leap off the page. I don’t want to…

  2. This book was a great followup to Tesser This book was a great followup to Tesser.I explored more of the supernatural coming into the world.The characters were relateable, and the novel flowed smoothly.My only complaint is having to wait for more int he series.

  3. A Solid Sequel To Tesser Ambryn is the 2nd story of what Chris says will be a trilogy. The first was Tesser. Tesser and Ambryn are the names of 2 of 7 dragons, so maybe we can get Chris to reconsider & write 7 stories???? 

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