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Ambryn & The Cheaters of Death (A Reemergence Novel)

The long awaited second book of the critically acclaimed, bestselling Reemergence is here.

With an important diplomatic visit to the troll nation just days away, Tesser receives a phone call with dire news from Sin City. A bus is found in the desert filled with the husks of dead bodies killed by something far from human. Unable to break away from the crucial meeting with the ancient troll kingdom he dispatches his brother Ambryn, the dragon of death, in his stead.

Ancient mistakes are finally ripening like rotten fruit, and the black dragon must rush to the December desert of Nevada to harvest his own missteps before they transform an entire city into a necropolis before the world’s eyes. And this time Ambryn doesn’t have the help of his sister Kaula, so his task may be nearly impossible. At least now he has Mr. Doyle, Spoon, and a dark man with darker deeds in his past from old Europe on his side.

Not all change is good. Welcome to the Reemergence.

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Tesser: A Dragon Among Us: A Reemergence Novel, Book 1

Imagine for a moment that you are a Dragon. A creature of unimaginable power, unending intelligence and strength, and you’ve just woken from 10,000 years of slumber. Worse yet, you’ve awoken underneath a city: Boston, an alien and strange place that defies everything you’ve ever known. Your last memories are of primordial forests, erupting volcanoes sculpting a developing world, faeries, witches, vampires, krakens, and monsters that feared where you turned your eyes.

But all that is gone. Humans, only barely coming into their own in the world from your memory, have taken over. They have erected cities made of stone and steel erupting from the earth like stalagmites reaching for the high blue sky, and developed sciences that have overshadowed even the glory of old magic. This is not the way it was supposed to be.

Meet Tesser, the Dragon. He who walks in any form and flies the skies free of fear. A Dragon Among Us is Tesser’s story. Walk with him as he learns the human way,and discovers the dark truth about why magic has really faded from the world he calls home. And, just maybe, humanity will remember why Dragons were most noble and most savage creatures again. Welcome to The Reemergence.