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3 thoughts on “Drantos

  1. Check your brain at the door, and you’ll be alright with this one. I have been avidly reading Laurann Dohner for the last 4 years. 

  2. Pleasant surprise and I loved it!! I have to admit, when it comes to paranormal romance, I’m not a fan of all the offshoots as of late with werebears, dragons and everything else in between. When I came across this as a featured book in a paranormal book club, I almost passed on it. Instead, I went back to reread the synopsis again and thought, “Why the hell not? At least the storyline is interesting and I’m not dealing with bears and dragons.” 

  3. Drantos: Launch of a New Series that suffers from the kitchen sink approach… I have read all of this Laurann Dohner’s books. I like her writing and do consider myself a fan. This one was difficult because it seemed part Mating Heat plus the main theme that runs through all her book. A sassy female heroine who is smart, empathetic, single and faced challenges in the past finds herself in a new romance in a foreign culture (paranormal, cyborg, alien or some combination) with a strong Alpha male. Part erotic romance and part fish out of water her stories are fun and…

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