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Duel Nature (The Demon Accords)

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Book 4 of the Demon Accords.

Chris and Tanya have been assigned as Coven Rovers, travelling the country and troubleshooting the supernatural community. It’s a job that’s part cop and part auditor, one that should be long periods of boredom mixed with small parts of action. But this is Chris and Tanya, so a sudden assignment to check on a rogue vampire leads to a run-in with a hostile master vampire, a hit squad, monsters straight out of Native American folklore, black ops teams, and, worst of all, vampire politics. Now more than ever, Chris must control his dark side, as the alternative is death.

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3 thoughts on “Duel Nature (The Demon Accords)

  1. A fun and easy read For the record, I only given 5 stars for books that change(d) my life. 4 stars are for really great books. 3 stars are for really good books and or really good “reads” but that are not going to (and are not intended to) change the world. 

  2. Another good one! Like some of the other reviewers here, I read the first of the series, “God Touched” in a day and quickly blew through the other three over the following few days. Conroe’s writing has improved over the course of the series, I was glad to see the “internal asides” largely disappear (tacking the main character’s breaking of the fourth wall onto a statement), though there are still some inexplicable spelling errors. He consistently substitutes “arraigned” for “arranged” (it happens in three of…

  3. I love it, and will read it again I first stumbled onto this series in a slump for books by more well-known, big-name published authors we’ve all heard of. Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs, Kim Harrison..they were all busy writing, and had nothing current for me to feast my eyes on. So I turned to the independents out there. The folks who write their hearts out, then just pop their titles into eBook form for the masses to judge and rip apart as they will. 

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