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Errant Contact

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A survey crew of the human starship Geoffrey Laird lands on a small, unexplored planet quaintly named Fleece as part of a standard scientific mission. The planet looks benign, but a small mix-up with “hostile life-forms” has the three surviving members of the team on the run. Drik, Max, and Laree seek shelter in a small cave, completely cut off from their ship and communications. But it turns out the cave is anything but small.

Kodo, frozen in stasis for almost 1,000 years, awakens to find everything he knew is gone. His fellow crewmembers are dead, his ship is a wreck, and his homeworld is gone. Only one other member of the crew survives – Kalaya, the Aurora’s synthetic organism. Now, on top of it all, humans are on his ship! Humans, the universe’s newest addition to deep space-faring races and a complete embarrassment to the galactic community, are on his ship. Could this get any worse? Yes, it can.

Follow Kodo, Laree, and friends on their mission to escape Fleece and the human military eager to capture their ship. A mission filled with danger, laughter, spiteful hamsters, and sentient BLT sandwiches? Game show hosts? Space crickets?

This is a light science fiction novel; if you are looking for discussions on quantum theory, then this is not the book for you.

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3 thoughts on “Errant Contact

  1. Chick flick meets novel The English skills of the writer were pretty good, or maybe it was the editing, but it was refreshing to see a KU book that only had a few grammatical errors in it/ I can only remember twice I had to stop and think about what was being said because of errors. 

  2. I couldn’t put the book down! A voracious reader, I have never reviewed a book. Usually, I move on quickly to the next book on my list. However, this book reeled me in and didn’t let go. The characters entrance and invite you into their world. I have read many books that are the beginning of a series which fail to draw the reader to the next in the series. This is the first book in a very long time to have me anxiously awaiting for more. Please say there is more. If not, then Fleece will be left lingering in the back of my…

  3. Original plot with humor in a space opera Excellent new story from an author who has done well with his previous fantasy series. I think the single most important quality that makes this book successful is he manages successfully integrate humor and light-hearted moments into the story. A lot of the sci-fi you see out there is all about over-the-top drama and desperate struggles that starts making it feel like a chore to keep going on reading. Before this book starts taking itself too seriously, something funny is said or occurs…

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