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Fashionably Dead (Hot Damned)

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Vampyres don’t exist. They absolutely do not exist. At least I didn’t think they did ’til I tried to quit smoking and ended up Undead. Who in the hell did I screw over in a former life that my getting healthy equates with dead? Now I’m a Vampyre. Yes, we exist whether we want to or not. However, I have to admit, the perks aren’t bad. My girls no longer jiggle, my ass is higher than a kite, and the latest Prada keeps finding its way to my wardrobe. On the downside, I’m stuck with an obscenely profane Guardian Angel who looks like Oprah and a Fairy Fighting Coach who’s teaching me to annihilate like the Terminator. To complicate matters, my libido has increased to Vampyric proportions, and my attraction to a hotter-than-Satan’s-underpants killer rogue Vampyre is not only dangerous…it’s possibly deadly. For real dead.

Permanent death isn’t on my agenda. Avoiding him is my only option. Of course, since he thinks I’m his, it’s easier said than done. Like that’s not enough to deal with, all the other Vampyres think I’m some sort of Chosen One. Holy hell, if I’m in charge of saving an entire race of blood suckers, the Undead are in for one hell of a ride.

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3 thoughts on “Fashionably Dead (Hot Damned)

  1. Amazeballs!!! A book where quitting smoking leads to sudden death, a foul mouthed Angel, a Terminator-like Faery,and all the Prada a girl could want. Not to mention a very dangerous, possibly rogue vampyer that is BEYOND sexy. Get ready for a sexy, funny romp through the paranormal word that belongs to Astrid who gets more than what she bargained for, all because she wanted to better her health! I LOVED this book. Laugh-out-loud funny!

  2. Fashionably Freakin’ Fabulous Robyn Peterman’s foray in vampyres and faeries is a success. Having read her previous works of contemporary romance, I was excited to see that Ms. Peterman was also exploring the ‘underworld’. And what a sexy, funny, intriguing, suspenseful, erotic, HOT world it is! Astrid, the heroine, wants to quit smoking, literally….and ends smokin’ hot but dead (or is it undead?) after a visit to a mysterious hypnotist. The ‘undead’ adventures begin as Ms. Peterman surrounds Astrid with a crazy arsenal…

  3. Loved it 🙂 I was drawn to this book by the cover, to me at least it just said ‘come see what I have in store’, gotta admit I was seriously glad I took notice. After reading the blurb I bumped it straight to the top of my tbr and that pretty much was that. I loved this book, the snarky one-liners and banter really made me laugh. There was not one character that fell short of what seemed to be their purpose throughout the book, I loved the good guys and hated the bad guys. There were a lot of characters…

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