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Forged in Smoke (A Red-Hot SEALs Novel)

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Faith Ansell could never be mistaken for an action hero. The scientist is content in her lab, working with her team on life-changing discoveries. But when a mysterious organization captures her colleagues, she’s forced to flee for her life with SEAL Team 7.

Lieutenant Seth “Rawls” Rawlings, ST7’s corpsman, hasn’t been himself since a near-death experience in the Sierra Nevadas. He’s tense and distracted, and the team caught him arguing with himself―loudly. Despite his erratic behavior, Rawls is the only one Faith feels comfortable confiding her life-threatening secret in.

But Rawls has a secret of his own: his wasn’t the only spirit to return to the physical plane when he was resuscitated. At first, Rawls assumed the “ghost” he saw and heard meant he was having a complete mental breakdown. But the apparition soon becomes convincingly real, and what’s more, he may be the key to the conspiracy looming over them. Rawls had better act quickly because ST7’s race to save their reputations―and Faith’s life―is on.

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3 thoughts on “Forged in Smoke (A Red-Hot SEALs Novel)

  1. Another entertaining book but I can’t wait for Mac’s Book! This is the third book in Trish McCallan’s Red Hot Seals series and shouldn’t be read as a stand alone. Although I enjoyed this book the last 20% of the book actually got a bit too much into the supernatural IMO. This book centers around Seth Rawlings “Rawls” and Dr. Faith Ansell. Although all the previous Seals and their significant others are also in this book. These books also follow an overall suspense story with lots of action, explosions, and a group of powerful villains…

  2. Book 3 at long last 🙂 I liked Forged in Smoke, which starts off in the middle of the action with Rawls mortally wounded. It’s been a long time since the last book – about two years – so it took me a bit to come back up to speed on the members of Seal team 7. It’s not too hard, since the author offers reminders along the way for what has gone before. 

  3. McCallan has a knack for emotion and action This is the third installment of Trish McCallan’s Red Hot SEALs novels, and this book delves ever deeper into the paranormal oddities and subversive machinations that have redefined life for these talented covert operators and the women they love. To date, the first book, Forged in Fire, has been my favorite. And while the story of Seth Rawlings and Dr. Faith Ansell was fine, this book has definitely whet my appetite for the fourth (and final?) book, Forged in Ember, which will feature Amy…

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