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Fortress Earth (Extinction Wars)

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In the fourth book of the Extinction Wars series, Abaddon commands a Karg-Jelk Super Fleet bent on annihilating humanity. He’s the galaxy’s most ruthless strategist wielding superior technology. That includes the perfect raid-ships, able to teleport anywhere at will.

Humanity has Commander Creed, and he has his Assault Troopers. He’s going to take the fight to the enemy. He’s buying time, learning secrets and setting up for the greatest space battle in the Orion Arm.

Creed is determined to win. He has to. If he doesn’t, the human race dies.

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3 thoughts on “Fortress Earth (Extinction Wars)

  1. The great writing continues This has been one of my favorite military scifi series of all time. This latest installment has met all my high expectations established by Heppner in the previous books. I especially enjoyed the storytelling style and regularly occuring strategic debates among the lead characters as they try to reason their way out of desperate situations. Commander Creed’s inspired ‘solutions’ never fail to keep me on the edge of my seat.

  2. entertaining in simple-minded way Upon reading all four books, I have come to believe that they have been written for the under 20s set and self-published using spell check instead of a real proofreader. Many, many misspellings, wrong words, and the like. slows down the read as one must stop and determine what the witter was trying to say. the lack of four-letter-words, especially those in common usage today by Junior High students, makes wonder if intended for a Christian audience. The story is fast-paced but a bit…

  3. Creed takes his fight for humanity to the man upstairs Commander Creed may be Vaughn Heppner’s roughest creation. He’s mean. He sacrifices his girlfriend for the sake of humanity. He risks everything, and everyone, to get the win. But he’s humanity’s greatest weapon and only hope. In “Fortress Earth,” the fourth and perhaps final Heppner entry in the Extinction Wars series, Creed’s world has done all it can to prevent another alien invasion like the one that decimated it into a smoking ruin years before when an alien race enslaved the…

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