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Not a Game: A Contemporary Gay Romance Novel

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A new job, a new city, and hopefully a new life. When chubby gamer Oliver Barnaby receives a job offer from the best boutique game developer in the country, he leaves his family and his less than spectacular existence in Oklahoma without a second’s hesitation. Determined to change more than his career and his geography, Oliver implements a plan to finally land a boyfriend. Step one is improving his skills in the bedroom.

Attractive, successful, charismatic Jaime Snow has a life other people envy. His already booming business is growing. He isn’t lacking friends. And he has no trouble finding a date. But there’s an emptiness in Jaime’s heart and a hole in his life that only the right man can fill.

When Oliver and Jaime end up at the same bar at the same time, they each see something they want in the other. Going to bed together that first night is easy. Building the lifetime relationship they both desperately crave will require trust, time, and a little understanding.

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3 thoughts on “Not a Game: A Contemporary Gay Romance Novel

  1. Not a Game, Cardeno C. Another wonderful love story from Cardeno C., an inter generational love story between a successful partner in a video gaming company and a new employee, who is quite shy and insecure, and who does not know that Jaime is the silent partner in the gaming industry to which he has recently been hired. Jamie is instantly attracted to Oliver and begins a plan of seduction, but his hopes and plans take some time to become reality, meaning he has to bring Oliver out of his shy personality before they…

  2. –> YES. (Read it. Love it. So sweet.) So, I’m going to be honest. I just don’t have time to read anymore. Which is insane, because I’m someone who has inhaled books all of my life. For the last year or so, though, my reading-for-pleasure time has dwindled to almost non-existent, and I horde it like gold, generally allocating it only to my very short list of auto-buy authors and the occasional recommendation of good friends. I had never heard of Cardeno C.—actually, now that I review her catalog some of the…

  3. Cardeno C gives us another fabulous and delightful love story Cardeno C (CC) has once again provided us with a very enjoyable love story. I have always referred to his books as comfort food for the brain. This book is no exception to that description but it does involve a principal character that is unusual in this M/M erotic romance genre. Oliver, who has recently moved from Oklahoma to Seattle for a job with a company that produces digital games and has offered Oliver a dream job. Oliver is not your typical romance figure, in that he is heavy and…

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