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Glorieta Pass

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The Texan Confederate armies, under General Henry H. Sibley, had their supply train destroyed by the 1st Colorado Union Volunteers at Glorieta Pass, and have only one prize remaining: A battery of Union artillery captured at the Battle of Valverde. The Texans, with their force decimated and dispirited by the absence of fallen comrades, are determined to have some glory to show for their terrible losses. But standing in their way are Union Captain Alastar O’Brien and the Colorado Volunteers.

Young quartermaster Jamie Russell, wounded and taken prisoner by Union forces, soon devises a way to bring the guns to Texas. He escapes, convinces Sibley’s brain trust to try his desperate scheme, and his plan becomes grim reality as both the Blue and the Gray are inexorably drawn into the deadly drama that is the Civil War.

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3 thoughts on “Glorieta Pass

  1. A story worth your time Being a native New Mexican and always interested in books based on our history I found this book hard to put down. The facts about the battle are basically correct and the caricatures threaded into the story makes history easy to learn. Look forward to more from this author.

  2. AN OUTSTANDING BOOK MEASURED BY ANYONE’S YARDSTICK Each of us have our own definition of ” EXCELLENT “,my definition of an excellent story is ” GLORIETAPASS “.I read slower then my usual speed to prolong theend of this book.If your idea of ” WHOOPEE ” is similar to mine,you will love reading this fascinating tale.Billy

  3. Great read! It starts out a bit slow Great read! It starts out a bit slow, but then it picks up speed. The plot involves three main characters, all with their strengths and weaknesses, from three different perspectives — one in the Union army, one in the Confederate, and one civilian. The novel portrays many of the hardships and frustrations of the war — imagine being the quartermaster in charge of the Confederate supply train watching as the Union army destroys it! The other main characters have their own problems, too — the…

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