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Orion Fleet (Rebel Fleet)

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What enemy could be more terrifying than a soulless, alien machine?

A year ago the Kher Empire was forced to retreat, but they were not beaten. In Orion Fleet, they return with a new weapon. A huge ship driven by AI begins methodically grinding inhabited worlds to dust. This unstoppable enemy is without fear or remorse, and the Rebels begin a desperate battle just to slow its advance.

Leo Blake takes Earth’s first warship into space to find a counter to this deadly new attack. The Imperial Fleets take notice of Earth’s interference, and they’re intent upon revenge. Even if he wins, Blake might have doomed our homeworld.

Orion Fleet is the second book in the Rebel Fleet series, military SF by best-selling author B. V. Larson.

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3 thoughts on “Orion Fleet (Rebel Fleet)

  1. Military rank by combat, cunning women, and lots of action. Great story. Both books in series are great. Orion Fleet is second book and continues with fast action, really strange but interesting military rank obtained by physical combat, and cunning women. Looking forward to next book.

  2. More mischief and hijincks from Leo Blake and co as they face-off against a world chowing AI ship I enjoyed Orion Fleet even more than the first book in the Rebel Fleet series and I have bumped it up from 4 stars to 5. Leo Blake, as per-usual, is getting up to all sorts of hijincks in this book as he comes up with a series of wacked out plans to rid the Rebel worlds of the latest Imperial incursion: an AI controlled ship called Hunter which is chowing through Rebel worlds, quite literally. Using his insider knowledge of Rebel tactics and nature, he is able to manipulate the Rebel Fleet…

  3. Blake at it again, and wonderfully cunning In “Rebel Fleet”, Blake not only led Earth’s lone contribution to the Rebel Alliance against the Imperials, he sort of stole the Hammerhead (spacecraft) for Earth to reverse engineer. The new ship is stealth-ified as a pulse ship, which is tremendously useful even if considered highly dishonorable by the Kher, and the first part of the book is focused on getting Blake around the bureaucratic obstacles that don’t fully appreciate his unique experience in space combat. 

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