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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

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3 thoughts on “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

  1. Magical! I bought this book for my 9 year old as his first “big kid” type of book. He has officially finished reading all of the Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books so moving forward I wanted him to have something that will challenge him and hold his attention. I was only slightly worried that he would get board since this will be the first book he has read that doesn’t have any comics or doodles throughout the pages to hold interest. 

  2. Captivating! I absolutely LOVE the Harry Potter series, and it is definitely one of my favorite series that I have ever read. When I first started reading them I wasn’t really sure that I would like them as I had unfortunately thought it was ‘nerdy’ when I was in school, and it was definitely a huge mistake! It is still a very good read as an adult, but I really wish that I had started reading them when they came out. I wanted my kids to be able to experience the magic of Harry Potter while they are…

  3. HARRY POTTER RULES!!!!!!! I resisted reading this book for a long time, thinking that it would be ‘too childish’ to hold my interest. Then, one night back in 2007, I happened to be at my local Barnes & Noble during the midnight release party for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, the last book in the series. Seeing the enthusiasm of all the fans gathered there (some of whom were in full costume) made me curious, so I wended my way through the crowd (in the process wondering what “The Sorting Hat” was all…

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