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You hold within you the power to create vibrant states of health and well-being that you intend for your life. In this program you will learn to meditate and relax on ever deepening levels, where the attention you focus on healing and renewal will directly impact your body and your life. These are blissful states of reverie that are proven to enhance immune function and activate the body’s natural healing abilities. In this quantum state of renewal, your body triggers its own powerful bio-chemicals to heal illness and cure disease.

Fact 1: Your body can manufacture and administer the precise balance of neurochemicals that can reverse illness and cure disease. Your body possesses the innate capacity to heal itself.

Fact 2: Science has proven, beyond doubt, that the contents of our thoughts and emotions directly and immediately influence our biochemistry.

Fact 3: You can consciously influence and direct the body’s output of health chemical information through meditation and visualization techniques.

This powerful meditation is highly recommended by doctors and offered to patients at America’s most prestigious cancer treatment hospitals.

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2 thoughts on "Healing Meditation"

  1. Althea Montgomery says:

    Relaxing I have been using this tape every night before bed for around 3 months now and I will tell you if you don’t know how to meditate this will teach you it relaxes and calms down your mind and body I would recommend this to everyone in this hectic world it really helps

  2. Sandi L. says:

    Deeply Relaxing – More Positive Towards Health I bought this CD a week ago at an all time low in my life. I have two types of arthritis plus fibromyalgia and am in almost constant and severe pain. I have been listening to it every night for a week so far and noticed after the first day that I had a more positive attitude throughout the day. I seem to be automatically choosing to eat healthier and am able to deal with my pain on a more positive level throughout the day. I am also sleeping better at night. I like the side with Kelly speaking better than the side where she doesn’t speak. While listening I reach a very deep level of relaxation. You definitely have to have a set of headphones to listen to it with, as there are times when you are listening to two different things at a time. I definitely recommend this CD.

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