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Kill Someone

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From the author of the international best seller The Stone Man, short-listed for Audible UK’s Book of the Year Award 2015.

Here are the rules.

Method: you can’t use a gun. You can’t use explosives. You can’t use poison. It has to be up close and personal. You don’t have to worry about leaving evidence; that will be taken care of.

Victim: no one suicidal. No one over the age of 65. No one with a terminal illness.

Choose your method. Choose your victim.

Chris Summer was a 21-year-old call centre worker. A dropout. A nobody, still living at home with his parents. Then one day the Man in White came to his family’s house, offering a seemingly impossible choice: kill a random stranger – one of Chris’ choosing – within 12 days in order to save the lives of five kidnapped siblings. Refuse, and they die slowly and painfully.

The clock is ticking, the Man in White is watching and Chris has some very important choices to make. This is a tale of fear, indecision, confused masculinity and brutal violence – a story of a coddled young man thrust into a world of sharp metal and bone. Ask yourself if you could do it. Then ask yourself who you would choose.

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3 thoughts on “Kill Someone

  1. How Do You Make An Impossible Choice? The protagonist is given an unenviable task: Kill someone of your choosing, or three innocent girls are slowly hacked to death until you do it. As the story progresses, I feel the agony of the poor soul who must make an impossible decision. The author throws an interesting twist near the end. A well-written book that kept me guessing as to the outcome. Luke Smitherd comes through again.

  2. Unexpected and Welcome Development Well-written and totally unexpected development with the story line and at the very end. Well done! This is exactly what I want in a book. Great first person thoughtful narrative, humor injected just enough and never more, unique story and wonderfully executed. Keep on, Smitherd.

  3. Dark, Psychological Thriller Kill Someone by Luke Smitherd is an intense, psychological thriller. Smitherd introduces us to Chris, a 20-something black man who lives with his parents, has a dead-end job in a call center and friends he doesn’t have anything in common with. On one fateful early morning, Chris, home alone as his parents are away, is awakened by a knock at the door. Upon answering it, his life changes forever. The Man in White and Klaus enter his home, tell him a fantastical tale and then gives him a choice -…

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