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Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life

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Nothing is exempt from the power of guidance that Gary offers in this book. Divorce, loss, failure, burden, health… There is no circumstance or concern that won’t be affected and elevated to a state of workability by his offerings. Within the pages of this book, you will find the power you’ve given away and use it to untwist the veil that clouds how you see life. When you’re finished reading it you’ll likely find yourself going back to it over and over to feel the energy and passion that Gary puts into helping the world undo a lifetime of what’s been done by them. You’ll find yourself owning more than you ever thought you were responsible for and you’ll actually feel good about it, no in fact, great about it.

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3 thoughts on “Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life

  1. Driven I feel that this book can make you feel motivated, ambitious & drive yourself to pursue your dreams with full force.

  2. No Fluff, Just Real Stuff Ordered it couple of weeks ago, and already read it almost twice. Very well written book , no fluff of “it’s all about how you feel…”. Author has very great and simplistic way of looking and dealing with things in life, and staying motivated and out of slump. Also, many great quotes in the book . Overall get this book and keep it around, because I have a feeling it might come handy quite a few times in your life.

  3. I’m finally awake after 3 year nap I am realizing just how much I took myself out of the game of life after our youngest daughter passed away about 3 years ago. She was almost 6 years old and I was 33. At 36 years young I felt one and a half decades older than my body. With the help of Gary’s words, I realize that I am my hero and, ultimately, this is really good news for me. I was so busy waiting for things to get better that I wasn’t in action about living a happy life despite the fact that my youngest is no longer…

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