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Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids

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Popular author of Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids turns his witty pen to the classic knock-knock joke, providing hours of entertainment for young and old.

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3 thoughts on “Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids

  1. Knock knock. Knock knock. Knock knock. My 7 year old was on a roll making up her own knock knock jokes but they didn’t really make sense. Knock knock. Who’s there? Katy Perry. Katy Perry who? Katy Perry gonna smack your face up. Uhhhh say what???? So I bought her this book for Christmas. Now, someone knock knocks on my door 27 times a day. Some of these jokes are cute and silly, some of em I think are worse than her Katy Perry joke. She has been enjoying it though and that’s all that matters.

  2. Good jokes but some need some translation I bought this book for my 7 year old grandson but I think it might be intended for someone a couple of years older. Some of the punch line knock-knocks are suitable for someone who has a better frame of reference to “get” the jokes. The jokes are funny, but it is for “kids”, but I think perhaps 9 or older.

  3. I hate it. They love it. I hate this book but the kids LOVE it. I am so sick of saying “who’s there” in the car that I’m going to scream. But you know what… THE KIDS LOVE IT!!! I have a third grader who reads them out loud in the car and a kindergartener who repeats them off the top of her head if she can remember them. The only bad thing is that there are some old timey names that the kids have never heard before so that makes the jokes not funny to me. BUT THEY DON’T CARE!!! Seriously, the kids do not care…

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