USA Today best seller! Wall Street Journal best seller!
What happens to race car drivers when they eat too much? They get indy-gestion. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids provides children ages seven-to-10 many hours of fun and laughter. Young listeners will have a blast sharing this collection of hundreds of one-liners, knock-knock jokes, tongue twisters, and more with their friends and family! This mega-best-selling book will have children rolling on the floor with laughter, and is sure to be a great gift idea for any child.
Good, old-fashioned, clean fun Good humor is a valuable commodity. Let me re-phrase that. Good clean humor is a valuable commodity. Clean humor is not as easy to find as you might think. Much of the humor of the past three or so decades is based on making fun of someone else or of other ideas. It capitalizes on someone’s mistakes. It belittles and minimizes someone else’s worth. To find good humor means leaving that base in the dust and finding things that are truly funny at no one else’s expense. Even the definition of…
Just lame, poorly-written jokes. I bought this book for my 8-year old son based on the stellar reviews. I have to say, these are not well-written jokes, many are just lame, and some are inappropriate. I expected clever and age appropriate, but I think maybe these would appeal to younger kids without a developed sense of humor. There were many that were so bad that we couldn’t figure out what the punchline was supposed to represent. Disappointing groaners. This from a family whose dinnertime conversations almost always end up…
Great Buy The book looks small and thin in the ad but it’s actually 7″x4.5″ and 1/4″ thick. 126 pages of super cute appropriate jokes for kids of all ages. Definitely a good buy for the price and the jokester in your family.