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Lay Death at Her Door

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Twenty years ago, Kate Cranbrook’s eyewitness testimony sent the wrong man to prison for rape and murder. When new evidence exonerates him, Kate says that in the darkness and confusion, she must have mistaken her attacker’s identity.

She is lying.

Kate would like nothing better than to turn her back on the past, but she is trapped in a stand-off with the real killer. When a body turns up on her doorstep, she resorts to desperate measures to free herself once and for all from a secret that is ruining her life.

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3 thoughts on “Lay Death at Her Door

  1. What an ending! I read this book on vacation and almost dropped my Kindle in the ocean when I got to the end. For me, it surprised me the way The Sixth Sense or The Usual Suspects did: all the signs were there, but I didn’t see it coming. I thought the entire premise was brilliant. Buhmann’s writing flows gracefully and is almost lyrical in its cadence. I love how close we are to Kate, in her thoughts and yet, she keeps us at arms length with her secrets. It’s a feat to pull off the unreliable narrator, but to…

  2. Couldn’t Stop Thinking About It This book haunted me long after I finished it. Throughout the read, I kept trying to form an opinion of the main character – was she a victim? a villain? – but couldn’t puzzle out exactly how I felt about her actions. She kept me intrigued and frustrated (in a good way)as her life and the book unfolded. By the end, I was shocked by what was revealed – and how clever the writer was in laying it all out. I can’t stop thinking about this book – and about what an amazing dark movie it would make…

  3. Don’t Know What To Call It This book is very hard to describe. Seemed like it would be a good mystery. The basic idea of the storyline seemed interesting. The main characters I didn’t care much for. As a matter of fact, I thought Kate needed a quick kick in the butt. She was always thinking she was so beautiful which wouldn’t be so bad except she brought it up over and over again through the story. She also felt she deserved life to be exactly as she wanted it over and above what anyone else might want or…

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