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The Iron Marshal

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He was a tough enforcer for a New York gang. But when young Tom Shanaghy made one too many enemies, he skipped town on a fast-moving freight. He landed in a small Kansas town that had big dreams, no name, and the need for an honest lawman. Tom figured that a knuckle-and-skull man from Five Points would be perfect for the job. He didn’t know that a high-stakes cattle drive was headed his way and that leading it was a vindictive rancher bent on settling an old score, even if he had to destroy the town to do it. Tom had himself stuck in the middle of the feud before sunset on his first day in town. All he could do was hope that his years on the Bowery had left him with the smarts he needed to keep himself alive.

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3 thoughts on “The Iron Marshal

  1. Good reading any reader of western. The book keeps you interested through the complete book and the character kept you wondering about the outcomeGood reading

  2. Iron Marshal I love to set in my den where I have many Louis L’Amour books,take one down and spend a great afternoon reading. That is what I did with Iron Marshal (don’t know how I had missed reading it before). Absolutely loved it, as I was sure I would!

  3. Triple cross, story is a bit convoluted An Irish immigrant boy finds himself alone in New York City, where manages to survive and acquire some skills. He is forced to flee West where he finds himself in a serious situation. He is handicapped by unfamiliarity with the West, but is able to draw on his fighting and gun skills to expose a triple cross attempt at robbery of a payroll. 

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