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Loch Ness Revenge

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Deep in the murky waters of Loch Ness, the creature known as Nessie has returned. Twins Natalie and Austin McQueen watched in horror as their parents were devoured by the world’s most infamous lake monster. Two decades later, it’s their turn to hunt the legend. But what lurks in the Loch is not what they expected. Nessie is devouring everything in and around the Loch, and it’s not alone. Hell has come to the Scottish Highlands. In a fierce battle between man and monster, the world may never be the same.

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3 thoughts on “Loch Ness Revenge

  1. Super fun, well-written monster book I absolutely loved Loch Ness Revenge. If you like fast-paced, fun monster books, this is one for your collection. I didn’t want to put it down because it’s very well written and the plot pulls you along and keeps you turning the pages. The protagonists are likable and fun, and the monsters are intelligent and conniving. Great action scenes! A few jarring typos (like taught instead of taut), but overall I’d give it a good grade for editing. This is my first book from this author, and now I’m…

  2. “LOCH NESS MADNESS” Hunter Shea Does It Again. In His Book”Loch Ness Revenge”,He Gives The Reader a Journey Into The Monster,The Legend,The Madness. After Twins Natalie and Austin McQueen See There Parents Eaten By The Loch Ness Monster At a Young Age,Natalie Sets Out To Seek and Kill The Beast. She Is Soon Joined By Her Brother Austin and Friend Henrik In There Efforts To Find And Destory The Beast Nessie. Do They Succeed In There Quest To Destory and Get Revenge For There Parents Getting…

  3. “Going ‘All Captain Ahab on Nessie’” With all that is known about the improbability, neigh, the impossibility of a prehistoric sea creature having survived and living in Loch Ness in Scotland, I was hesitant to pick up a new novel focusing upon the terror within those famous inky-black waters. But Hunter Shea manages to pull off a rip-roaring yarn with Loch Ness Revenge as a brother and sister team makes it their mission to expose what killed their parents on the Loch before their eyes when they were children. 

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