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Maestro: Legend of Drizzt: Homecoming, Book II

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Something terrible, unspeakable, immense has come to Menzoberranzan and is leaving death and destruction in its wake. The primordial of Gauntlgrym stirs, sending Cattie-brie and Gromph to Luskan and the ruins of the only power that can keep the beast in check. The damage of the Darkening, of war, and of a demon-ravaged Underdark has sent cracks out across the North. Some of this damage may never be repaired.

And Drizzt is going home. But not to Mithral Hall. Not to Icewind Dale. He’s going to Menzoberranzan. Bruenor is ready to march with him, bringing along an army of dwarves to end the scourge of Menzoberranzan, but Drizzt needs to see what’s happening there. The dwarf army may not be necessary. The City of Spiders might already have fallen to the demons and their wicked prince. But even if that’s true, what’s to say the demons will stop there?

Maestro picks up where Archmage left off, plunging Drizzt into his most dangerous adventure yet and with all the action, adventure, beloved characters, dark elves, monsters, and demon princes Drizzt fans adore.

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3 thoughts on “Maestro: Legend of Drizzt: Homecoming, Book II

  1. I’m a little confused *minor spoilers* This newest Drizzt book held my attention, but for the latter half of the book, I found myself thinking, “what the…?” I like deep, philosophical discussions, but this was just strange. Throughout the last few books, we have been led to believe that Drizzt is, if not a Chosen of, then at least favored by Mielikki, and perhaps even Lolth, though he would clearly never acknowledge the latter. But now I am truly curious where this is going, and in some aspects, find myself…

  2. One of the best novels Salvatore has written in several years 4.5 out of 5 stars for me. 

  3. A must-read for die-hard fans, a casual experience for the rest I’ll start off by saying this: I finished the book in 2 days. That’s how much I was into this book. The Companions Codex Trilogy really got me back into the story of Drizzt after a disappointing Dahlia series. 

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