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Marshmallow S’More Murder (Merry Wrath)

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From USA Today best-selling author Leslie Langtry comes the latest Merry Wrath Mystery that will leave you dying of laughter….

What could be better for former CIA agent turned Girl Scout leader Merry Wrath than taking 12 little girls to Washington, DC, for a bit of summer fun? Almost anything. Unfortunately, between her girls terrorizing the Secret Service and “accidentally” destroying the hotel pool, Merry has her hands full with this troop. And when her former handler, Riley, is kidnapped, Merry has to turn to an old friend from her spy days and her parents, Senator and Mrs. Czrgy, to help her wrangle the troop and rescue the man she once briefly called her boyfriend.

Armed only with a perpetually AWOL parent, stalked by a runaway King Vulture, and plagued by a mysterious death from her past, Merry’s mayhem weaves a wacky trail from moonshiners in the Blue Ridge Mountains, to the bowels of the Japanese Embassy, to the ductwork of the International Spy Museum. With things heating up with current boyfriend, Detective Rex Ferguson, can Merry decipher clues from her past to find ex-boyfriend Riley and finally solve the murder of Yakuza boss, Midori Ito, before the target on her back is filled with lead?

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3 thoughts on “Marshmallow S’More Murder (Merry Wrath)

  1. Great series — kooky suspenseful fun This is a great series with light-hearted banter balanced with suspenseful action. The characters are interesting, the premise kooky but fun, and the stories engaging. This story takes the reader out of Iowa and to the nation’s capital where new characters are introduced while new challenges are faced.

  2. this is a fun series with a wild bunch of girl scouts this is a fun series with a wild bunch of girl scouts. I did find some of the conversation lines to be a bit off and wondered about editing. in some respects it would be best to start with book one as there is reference to past titles but the story itself can stand alone. one request I would have for amazon is to indicate where the book stands in a series as with digitalization, you cannot tell when a book was actually published. this is an author that I intend to follow, especially in the…

  3. Coming up with a new story for Merry/Finn was not going to be easy, but she did it Leslie Langtry has done it again. Coming up with a new story for Merry/Finn was not going to be easy, but she did it. This time Merry has to multi-task a wild trip ( for Washington!) as a reward for her girltroop while on a personal front saving Riley a person we know from book one.Helping her are Maria a former co-worker, her Dad and Mom and various people. Love the action of a sugar-mad bird stalking the group,hillbilly/yaquza help and even the girls morphing into little spyettes( kids…

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