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Quotes & Biography: Of 50 greatest people ever been on earth

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This book covers the life events, biography and famous quotes of the 50 greatest and most influential personalities that ever existed on earth. The 50 greatest personalities are divided into seven different categories such as great conquerors, most influential leaders, great administrators, philosophers who seek wisdom, discoverers and historians, great scientists who changed the life of humans and currently the world’s most famous and influential politicians. . The book compiled by the author may contain some controversial personalities and there will be people who may not agree with the mentioned personalities with the likes of JOSEPH STALIN and ADOLF HITLER etc. but the fact of the matter is these bad people had so much influence on the human race that we cannot neglect them. The people chosen by the author of this book are the ones who had a great influence on humans thinking in their respective fields. . There is only one great personality which we mentioned above all, namely the prophet MUHAMMAD because he exerts so much influence on the humans way of thinking and life which cannot be matched. He also was a conquerer who lead a tiny army of 300 warriors and built a giant state; he was a leader who raised a great movement for humans right at a time when the Arab community was passing through a dark period. He was an administrator who administrated the STATE OF MADINA so brilliantly that the different tribes of Madina pledged allegiance to the state of Madina voluntarily. He was a philosopher who changed the way of thinking of the entire human race towards life, women and justice, he was a scientist who showed the humans methods of curing many fatal diseases which even modern day science is following. These are some of the reasons which give prophet Muhammad a place in the history that has no rival.

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1 thought on “Quotes & Biography: Of 50 greatest people ever been on earth

  1. This is a great compilation of biography and quotes This is a great compilation of biography and quotes. This book is very interesting to read as the biography of these influential people will serve as a motivation to anyone. Their biography covers aspect of life and you will be motivated to do more in other to get a positive outcome. It is a very good read for me and i totally recommend this book

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