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Moving In: Moving In Series, Book 1

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“Iron…and…salt,” whispers the old man. The dead old man. “Hurry or it will be too late….”

To escape the stress of living in the city and the anxiety of his high pressure job, Brian Roy moves his family to the country. His wife loves the easy living, but Brian hates it…especially when weird things start happening in the house. When he discovers a dead body in the woods and a burial ground in his basement, Brian could never imagine the shocking history of the house or its former occupants that comes to light.

As his life starts to unravel, Brian isn’t so sure living in the country is going to be the oasis of peace he and his wife expected. Lately, his home has become a haunting den of hell.

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3 thoughts on “Moving In: Moving In Series, Book 1

  1. Don’t waste your time I sincerely do not know what these reviewers were talking about when they proclaimed this a terrifying Horror Story. It reminded me of Ghostbusters in written form. After moving into an old farmhouse, Jenny and Brian find that it is haunted and enlist the help of Leo who can see dead people and binds them in a Shakespeare novel. The whole story is ridiculous and is actually funny enough to laugh out loud at points. The reactions of the homeowners under what should be extreme duress is corny…

  2. Ron Ripley Rocks! This is not the first book I’ve read from this amazing author. Let me say, firstly, I’m an old school Stephen King fan and have been reading his books for close to forty years. It is highly unusual for me to leave a book review at all and even more unusual for me to admit I see things in a writer that remind me of King! In the case of Ron Ripley, I have to do both. This book, I believe, is my favorite so far. You will be pulled in immediately and from there it’s a wild, scary ride. I was…

  3. Fast Paced Read, With A Nasty Poltergeist. Author, Ron Ripley has redeemed himself in my eyes after the last book I read by him……He wrote an excellent and terrifying, haunted house novella…..I was reading it late at night and had to stop it was so scary…….It reminded me of a movie I saw a few years ago called, “Haunting In Connecticut”….There were jumps and frights every minute throughout this story….I actually felt sorry for this couple getting stuck with this house, especially when they find what is in the…

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