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Mr. Match: The Mister Series, Book 5

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Oliver Shrike thinks ahead. He likes to make lists and tick off boxes. He plans, he plots, and he’s got everything under control.

Until one day he sees my videos on his dating site. The private erotic videos I make just for him. When I’m looking at the camera, I can practically see his face. Hear the internal arguments. Feel his desire.

Because I’m that kind of woman.

You should delete my videos, Oliver Shrike. It’s your job to keep that dating site on the up and up. But you don’t, do you?

You watch them. You get off to them. You crave them.

Every week I make a new one with you in mind. I’ve got you addicted to my body, my moans, my secrets.

I’ve hooked you now, Mr. Match. You’ve been in control for way too long, and this is where it ends.

Includes a special bonus note read by the author.

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3 thoughts on “Mr. Match: The Mister Series, Book 5

  1. FIVE Gimme more…Gimme more STARS #MrsToTheMisters #TheOriginal #TheOnlyOne Match is the final the Mister’s series, and it was an epic conclusion like only JA Huss can do. Oliver Shrike has grown up loved, surrounded by his family. As he builds his own empire, there are only a few things in his life that aren’t really perfect as pie. 

  2. Fantastic Finish to a Fabulous Series! Mr. Match is the fifth and final book in J.A. Huss’ Misters Series. While each book is supposed to be written so that they could be standalones, I do not feel that is the case with Mr. Match. It is not only Oliver Shrike’s story; it is the culmination of the series where each prior book is tied together. I love each book and “mister” in this series, but Oliver is my favorite. He is the complete package; he’s absolutely perfect. It’s impossible not to fall in love with this mister…

  3. Epic conclusion to an incredible series! Well, it’s done. Mr. Match, the fifth book in the Mister series is here and all the questions and events and clues that have been building since book 1 finally come to a head and we get the whole story. I feel kind of bereft today that I’ve finished and there’s no more. As hard as it was to get to the end of the previous 4 books and have to wait for the next one to come out, at least I knew another would be coming, but this is it. 

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