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They were heading for Venus. Somewhere else found them first….

When a sudden impact sends a spacecraft bound for a distant research station hurtling toward a previously unseen and inexplicable planet, responsibility for the safety of its passengers immediately falls on Ivy ‘Holly’ Wood, a former poster child of the public space program now fleeing Earth’s tyrannical leadership.

The mysterious planet’s startlingly Earth-like atmosphere initially breeds optimism among Holly’s group of stranded survivors, but before long it becomes clear that Earth’s rules don’t apply and that nothing can be taken for granted.

With all hopes of escape dependent on discovering the true nature of this increasingly hostile planet, Holly and the rest of the desperate survivors know only one thing for sure: Their newly discovered world will not give up its secrets without a fight.

Terradox is a sci-fi thriller/adventure novel from the author of the breakout best seller Not Alone, an ‘Best of 2016’ finalist.

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3 thoughts on “Terradox

  1. In not so distant future… The overpopulated Earth suffers from the plaque of crops blight, series of the natural disasters and the loss of infrastructure. The small group of space veterans uses the last remaining resources to establish a colony in the outer space but gets stack on the alien planet in the process. 

  2. I will gobble up almost anything Craig writes This book started out slow and I almost regretted buying it. I purchased it because I loved “Nor Alone” and the “Sycamore” series. But after the first chapter, my interest was piqued! This is a great little adventure mystery about a small group of people who crash land onto a hidden planed in our solar system that seemed to pop out of nowhere.

  3. Well written. Fun read! I guess I’m the first reviewer who didn’t get a free copy :). Good character development (i especially enjoyed his strong female role). Most scifi thriller books I’ve read sacrifice characters for technology and action. Not so here. Well, maybe a bit more action, i would have liked to read more about what was happening back on Earth during their adventure on Terradox. Still, it didn’t take away my enjoyment with this well crafted story. If you haven’t read his book Not Alone, you’re in for a…

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