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Royal (Rixton Falls)

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His name is Royal, but he’s no prince charming. He’s not even a prince-though you could say I loved him once upon a time. He was my older brother’s best friend. Growing up, he sat at our dinner table every Sunday, teased me mercilessly, and pretended I annoyed him. When I was old enough, he took me on my first date. Royal taught me how to drive. Escorted me to my junior prom. Gave me my first kiss . . . amongst other things. He was my first taste of toe-curling, all-consuming, can’t-sleep love. We had our whole lives ahead of us. There was never anyone else for me but him. And then he disappeared. No letter. No explanation. Not even a good-bye. I’ve spent the last seven years trying in vain to forget my first love, but just when I think I’ve finally moved on, guess who’s back in town?

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3 thoughts on “Royal (Rixton Falls)

  1. Royal, Reclaiming his HOME-Demi. 4 1/2 Stars 

  2. Another great read from the incomparable Winter! I read this book in one sitting, taking 4 hours to read beginning to end, refusing to put it down. It grabbed my attention and held it until the very end. I can always count on Winter to give all the feels in her books. This is the story of Demi and Royal. Royal is Derek’s (Demi’s brother) best friend. He is a foster child that moved into their neighborhood when she was 10 years old, and her family pretty much took him into the fold and made him one of theirs. Over the course of 7 years Demi…

  3. Terrible, No Romance I am SO surprised by all the good reviews. I honestly could not even finish the book because I disliked it so much. The first thing I didn’t like about this book was that Demi and Royal’s initial romance was completely skipped over. It went from her not liking him at all in one scene, to her kind of liking him the next, to them suddenly being absolutely in love for not even a full scene when you find out he is not coming back. You don’t even get a chance to like them as a couple or see them…

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