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Truly Madly Guilty

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Once again Liane Moriarty uses her unique, razor-sharp observational skills to sift through the emerging fault lines of seemingly happy families.

If only they’d said no….

What if they hadn’t gone? That’s the question Clementine can’t stop asking herself.

It was just a backyard barbeque. They didn’t know their hosts that well. They were friends of friends. They could so easily have said no. But she and her husband, Sam, said yes, and now they can never change what they did and didn’t do that beautiful winter’s day.

Six responsible adults. Three cute kids. One yapping dog. It’s a normal weekend in the suburbs. What could possibly go wrong?

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3 thoughts on “Truly Madly Guilty

  1. Obsessive and thought provoking … Take a breath and exhale, that is what I did when I finished reading this incredibly compelling, domestic tale of secrets by this legendary author who always writes stories I find utterly addictive. Liane Moriarty’s new book “Truly Madly Guilty” tells the story of the most simple of Aussie pleasures – “a barbeque” …. yet, gone so wrong that it impacts on the relationships of the guests in profound ways. The book’s tagline is “What if we hadn’t gone?”…. “What…

  2. The verdict is not in question: truly guilty. Granted, Liane Moriarty would be classified by most readers as a “pop writer” of bestsellers, but regardless, as a librarian, I believe that a well-executed story will generally make for a solid read, regardless of the target audience. Similarly, a book with a meandering plot, an overabundance of detail, and lacking a general sense of purpose will usually disappoint a majority of readers. Unfortunately, Ms. Moriarty’s “Truly Madly Guilty” falls resoundingly into…

  3. Not Moriarty’s best “This is a story that begins with a barbeque”. So begins Truly Madly Guilty. Erika and Clementine have been friends since school. Erika had a difficult childhood and Clementine’s home and family became something of a refuge for her. Now, years later, both are married. Clementine is a cellist, married to Sam, with two young daughters. Erika and her husband Oliver are childless and fanatically tidy and orderly. They invite Clementine and her husband Sam over for afternoon tea, but…

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