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See How They Run

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It’s often said that when tragedy strikes, the victims were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. But not Harry and Alice French.

Assaulted by masked men looking for a mysterious package and a man named Renshaw, Alice and Harry manage to convince them that there has been a terrible mix-up.

But nothing prepares Alice and Harry for the web they find themselves trapped in after their assailants leave. Especially as Alice hasn’t been completely honest.

After Harry is approached by a woman named Ruth who seems to know more than she’s letting on, Alice and their baby, Evie, disappear. When Harry realises he’s become a prime suspect in their disappearance, he seeks refuge with Ruth and demands answers. Knowing keeping out of police clutches is the only way he’ll track his family down.

But how safe really are Alice and Evie tucked away in Gloucestershire with the mysterious Renshaw?

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3 thoughts on “See How They Run

  1. Amazing! Wow! What a thrilling roller-coaster of a book! From the explosive beginning – it starts with a situation that is everyone’s worst nightmare – to the very last page, the tension is palpable and the pace never lets up. I was in the book, my heart beating faster as I worried for Harry and Annie and for the horrific bind they found themselves in. Just when I thought I had something figured out, it shifts and you are left shocked and terrified, like the characters of the book. The suspense is…

  2. See How They Run starts of brilliantly. I mean See How They Run starts of brilliantly. I mean, imagine waking up to intruders in your home! It certainly had my attention thats for sure. 

  3. I am positive you won’t regret reading this novel In the middle of the night, Alice and Harry French and their newborn Evie are confronted with their worst nightmare when a couple of intruders show up in their bedroom. The men are wearing plastic covers over their shoes, they are clearly no amateurs and the threat is very real and quite horrific. All they want however is a package addressed to a guy named Renshaw that was delivered to their house. This must be one important package, only they have never heard of Renshaw or have any knowledge…

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