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The Collectibles: The Collectibles Trilogy, Book 1

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In his award-winning debut novel, James J. Kaufman delivers a gripping and unforgettable story of two strong men from separate worlds – one touched by tragedy, the other by greed – brought together with unexpected results. In chronicling how their lives and those they touch are dramatically changed by their encounter, Kaufman reveals the power of relationships, the nature of love, and ultimately the meaning of life.

“Do what the other fella can’t. Be what the other fella ain’t. And then help the other fella.”

Joe Hart has never let go of his uncle’s words. An orphan from the unspoiled Adirondack Mountains, Joe leaves his humble beginnings and goes on to distinguish himself, first as a navy submarine commander, then as an attorney unequaled in his field. But Joe’s world crashes with an unexpected tragedy.

A child of wealth and privilege from New York’s Upper East Side, Preston Wilson harbors a fear of financial failure. When that fear threatens to become reality, Preston tracks down the one attorney who might be able to save him. Joe reluctantly decides to help – but only after extracting a promise that Preston will fulfill an unspecified condition when called upon. Preston, desperate, agrees.

Too soon, Joe calls in his unconventional IOU. The self-absorbed Preston balks when Joe tells him he must meet, earn the trust of, and care for several people. Each of Joe’s collectibles – none of whom Preston would ever want to know – has a serious personal challenge. Can Preston find the integrity to make good on his promise to Joe? Does he have a choice?

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3 thoughts on “The Collectibles: The Collectibles Trilogy, Book 1

  1. Kathy This is a story we can identify with in todays world. Preston Wilson is an elitist who reaks of wealth and success. When the bottom is about to fall out of his empire, he calls on Joe Hart a person from his past. Joe saves him financially and opens Prestons eyes to a new way of living and seeing people. I loved the part about refinancing and banking. Buck,the dog was an added treat. A great book and fast read.

  2. A fascinating conclusion worth waiting for Have you ever thought that lawyers are more concerned about how much money they make than how much good they do? If you have, The Collectibles by former judge, James J. Kaufman, won’t change your opinion, but it just might modify it to allow for some lawyers being honest, determined and wise. Joe Hart, an orphan from the Adirondack mountains, turned Navy commander, turned distinguished attorney, is just such a one, though his life seems to fall apart under tragic circumstances, sending him…

  3. Amazing I bought this for my Kindle because honestly it was cheap and I thought ok I can try it. I started reading and could literally not put it down. 

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