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Serve No Master: How to Escape the 9-5, Start up an Online Business, Fire Your Boss and Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur or Digital Nomad

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Best-selling author and lifestyle design expert Jonathan Green is finally ready to share the blueprint he used to escape the prison of poverty, debt, and office politics that still hold so many people imprisoned. He’s not content with just sharing a few ideas – instead this traveling renegade is taking aim at every roadblock that keeps people from achieving their goals.

From “not enough money” to “lack of connections” to “not enough time” to “I just can’t seem to do it,” Jon’s taking laser aim at all the excuses, and breaking things down into small, simple steps that anyone can take to become wealthier, better connected, more talented, and more free.

It doesn’t matter if you’re already working at home, squeezing in a little extra time after your job, or you don’t even have a plan yet. Serve No Master isn’t just a book – it’s a system designed to smash the chains and give you a better financial outlook and more free time to do what you love.

You’re going to discover how to:

Break the cycle of information buying and take action on your knowledge Develop a killer business plan that takes full advantage of your skills Get one-on-one time with the key players in your industry – even if you don’t have experience Create books, compose videos, and blaze through online tasks in a fraction of the timeDevelop passive income and get paid over and over for what you do – with real examples Slash risks and expenses so you spend less and earn more Create effortless, unbreakable habits that fit into your life routineGet free upgrades at hotel rooms, save thousands of dollars on rent, get wild discounts on cruises around the world, and travel like a boss

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3 thoughts on “Serve No Master: How to Escape the 9-5, Start up an Online Business, Fire Your Boss and Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur or Digital Nomad

  1. Useful book! This is a great book that enables readers to realize their full potential and understanding their interests in other field of work other than their regular day jobs which will take time to get promoted. The ultimate goal of this book is to become a master yourself and gaining financial independence and freedom. The various methodologies that are being provided assures one with power and stability to overcome odds. The book is written very well and is one of the easiest to understand about the…

  2. Informational book. The title of the book itself is totally intriguing. Serve no boss. Indeed, working 9-5 a week in an office is like a routine to many. Routine because you do the same all through out the day and sometimes your boss is hard to understand but you have no choice but to stay nice to him. 

  3. Huge but infomative This is a huge book but it is very helpful. The name of this book attracts me to collect the book. Smash hit writer and way of life outline master Jonathan Green is at long last prepared to share the diagram he used to get away from the jail of neediness, obligation, and office legislative issues that still hold such a large number of individuals detained. He’s not content with simply sharing a couple of thoughts – rather this voyaging rebel is targeting each barrier that keeps individuals from…

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