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Stuck-Up Suit

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It started out like any other morning on the train – until I became mesmerized by the guy sitting across the aisle. He was barking at someone on his phone like he ruled the world. Who did the stuck-up suit think he was…God?

Actually, he looked like a god. That was about it.

When his stop came, he got up suddenly and left. So suddenly, he dropped his phone on the way out. I might have picked it up. I might have gone through all of his photos and called some of the numbers. I might have held on to the mystery man’s phone for days, until I finally conjured up the courage to return it.

When I traipsed my ass across town to his fancy company, he refused to see me. So, I left the phone on the empty desk outside the arrogant jerk’s office. I might have also left behind a dirty picture on it first, though.

I didn’t expect him to text back.

I didn’t expect our exchanges to be hot as hell.

I didn’t expect to fall for him – all before we even met.

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3 thoughts on “Stuck-Up Suit

  1. LOVE THIS BOOK! I love these two authors..whether they write separate, together or a grocery list. I will read it. But the way they work together is a cause for celebration. It’s the best of both worlds…so to speak. 🙂 

  2. Sassy, Sexy, and Swoon-a-licious! Woot! Woot! Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland are unstoppable! This dynamic dual has done it again! This chance encounter love story was filled with angst, love, and laughter. I loved the storyline and how Graham and Soraya met. Soraya’s character was hilarious! Her “hold nothing back” and “call you out on your $***” personality was fun and super sassy. I adored her nicknames for Graham. They fit him perfectly! He sooo deserved for his world to be turned upside down! As I knew he would be, Graham was…


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