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Winter in Sweetwater County

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Lisa Mortan’s ideal life crumbles when her rich and powerful fiancĂ© demands she ends an unwanted pregnancy. With no job or social support, she flees to a small town in hopes of finding a good family for her unborn baby, but instead finds a man who is as broken as she is.

Eric Gaylord returns to his home town for a respite after a tragic loss, but when his spitfire mother takes on an unknown woman as a business partner, he is forced to face the nightmare he’d left behind or risk losing the one woman who could heal his heart.

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3 thoughts on “Winter in Sweetwater County

  1. A story that warmed my heart and made me wish for Sweetwater County where the home and heart belong! First off, I just loved the cover. It is so beautiful and captivating. It made me wish to live in a place like Sweetwater County “where the home and heart belong” and where people although hopeless gossips still care and stand for each other! 

  2. It may be winter, but this story warms the heart. Let me start by saying that I don’t generally read contemporary romances, but I love Ciara and when she offered an arc for a review, I knew I wanted to give it a try. Boy am I glad I did! I connected with the characters right away and at the end of every chapter, I was compelled to keep reading, even long past my bedtime! 🙂 Neither Lisa or Eric are perfect, they both have painful secrets that they are scared to share with each other, but that’s what makes their story so endearing. If you’re…

  3. Winter? More like permafrost :/ I’m normally pretty easy on freebies, but I had to weigh in on this one. It has a cozy title. It has inviting cover art. It even has a decent plot (jilted heroine leaves the big city to find solace and meaning with “regular folk” in “God’s country.”) What it doesn’t have is plausible plot development or consistent characters. Yes, like everyone else reading a rom-com I can suspend a certain amount of “huh?” in the spirit of warm and fuzzy fun. But when people have…

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