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The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals

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By the time it finally disappeared, it’s likely no one even noticed.

What happened? The “whirlwind” of urgent activity required to keep things running day-to-day devoured all the time and energy you needed to invest in executing your strategy for tomorrow! The 4 Disciplines of Execution can change all that forever.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is a simple, repeatable, and proven formula for executing on your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. By following The 4 Disciplines:

• Focusing on the Wildly Important
• Acting on Lead Measures
• Keeping a Compelling Scoreboard
• Creating a Cadence of Accountability

leaders can produce breakthrough results, even when executing the strategy requires a significant change in behavior from their teams.

4DX is not theory. It is a proven set of practices that have been tested and refined by hundreds of organizations and thousands of teams over many years. When a company or an individual adheres to these disciplines, they achieve superb results―regardless of the goal. 4DX represents a new way of thinking and working that is essential to thriving in today’s competitive climate. Simply put, this is one audiobook that no business leader can afford to miss.

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3 thoughts on “The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals

  1. Excellent for Team goals, but not a book about setting YOUR personal goals For achieving the goals of a TEAM in business or otherwise this is an excellent book. What I love best about it is that it’s not the same old new-age non-concrete smut that’s repeated in most self help books. This book focuses primarily on PRACTICAL advice.. real concrete measurable steps. Other books spend 99% of their pages with motivational “You can do it” speech with 1% or even 0% on the HOW to do it. This book flips that around where very little is devoted to the new-age talk and most…

  2. Vision without execution is hallucination.” Thomas Edison For whatever reasons, many decision-makers are victims of what Jeff Pfeffer and Bob Sutton characterize as the “Knowing-Doing Gap.” That is perhaps what Edison had in mind when expressing what serves as this review’s title. Pfeffer and Sutton also have much of value to say about the “Doing-Knowing Gap” (i.e. Aim, Fire, Ready) and to the great credit of the co-authors of this book, the material they provide will enable almost anyone to avoid or escape from either trap. 

  3. Excellent methodology, but redundant and Kindle version is very self-promotional This is an exceptional book that can be best summarized in one sentence: “Start with the end in mind.” The book addresses how to get a team to focus on ultimate goals and work backwards. As a strategy consultant, I definitely found the book to be a solid read because it takes away much of the daily minutiae that consultants and leaders often get tripped up by (what the authors term the “whirlwind”). 

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