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Empowerment: Achieving peak performance through self-leadership (Successories library)

Self-leadership requires more than simply competence, you must believe in your ability and have the courage to prove it — not just to others, but to yourself as well. Despite doubts and wavering commitment, a self-leader has the drive and determination necessary to overcome disillusionment and gain the confidence of a peak performer.

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Not Another F-ing Motivation Book: A Pragmatist’s Guide to Nailing Your Motivation, Keeping It, and Effortlessly Achieving Your Goals

A motivation book like no other – no hype, no purple prose, no preaching. Just the stuff that works (where all the typical motivational strategies have failed). Practical and easy-to-read. Are you tired of having to ‘get motivated’ time and time again yet failing to achieve your goals? Do you feel like motivational quotes, visualisation or inspirational stories have not really helped you? Do you think there must be something wrong with you because traditional motivational strategies don’t work for you? You are not alone. I share your frustration with not being able to achieve the goals you want to achieve. There is nothing wrong with you, or your motivation. It’s just that you’ve been using the wrong strategies. In this book, you will learn: How motivation really works (and why that apparently effective strategy hasn’t worked for you) How to discover what truly motivates you and plug into that potent source of power How to ensure that whatever goal you pursue is aligned with your motivation, so you always work towards it and not against yourself How to ensure that your motivation tank is topped up without having to ‘motivate yourself.’ Which motivational strategies are likely to work for you in specific situations, so you don’t waste your time and energy on trying things that are unlikely to work anymore. Ready to finally ditch those exhausting ‘pump-yourself-up-and-fail-again’ cycles and start using an approach that really works? Ready to achieve your goals and transform your life? Click Buy Now

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Affirmation | The 500 Most Powerful Affirmations for Achieving Goals: Includes Life Changing Affirmations for Paleo Diet, Beauty, Lucid Dreaming, The Rich & Sales

Audio Version is Now Available with Audible!

Exclusive Offer — Includes Free Bonus of Best Selling Book: Conscious Visualization — 5 Simple Steps to Condition Your Mind to Create the Life of Your Dreams

You will not achieve fulfillment and happiness until YOU become the architect of your own reality. Imagine that with a few moments each day, you could begin the powerful transformation toward complete control of your own life and well being through positive affirmation. Because you can.

You will be able to release all fear and doubt simply because you know that you can. Utilize this simple, proven technique to regain the lost comforts of joy, love, and fulfillment in your life.

You have the ability to unlock your full inner-potential and achieve your ultimate goals. This is the age-old secret of the financial elite, world class scholars, and Olympic champions. For example, when you watch the Olympics, you’ll find one consistency in all of the champions. Each one closes their eyes for a moment and clearly affirms & visualizes themselves completing the event flawlessly just before starting. Then they win gold medals and become champions. That’s merely one example of how the real power of affirmation can elevate you above any of life’s challenges.

Life is too short to be exhausted on thousands of everyday anxieties and fears. Sadly, the average person will get to the end of their life and realize that more than half of it was spent struggling with these kind of problems. Because they didn’t know what to do, many of these people never found any satisfaction in life. You can and will become bigger than those struggles by enhancing the energy that already flows within you.

Too often people are held hostage and limited by a cycle of negative thinking and pessimism. This kind of thinking creates a streak of what many choose to call, “bad luck”. I have good news for you. There is no such thing as “bad luck”. This phenomenon is merely a cycle of negative affirmation that must be broken and mended with a fresh regimen of positive affirmation and vision. By repeating and remembering these affirmations in times of difficulty, we transform our rigid affirmations of defeat and intimidation into warm, confident manifestations of the world as we choose it to be.

Get what you want and desire from the world like millions of others around the globe using affirmations. You already possess the power to assert your own perceptions and transform your thoughts and desires into reality. By using positive affirmations daily, you will unlock that natural potential inside of you.

If you want to see positive change now, you’ll find the quickest path to fulfillment with positive affirmation and visualization. There is no time to spend on loss, negativity, and defeat when you can be achieving tangible, historically proven results with minimum time and effort invested.

There is no limit to changes that can be made through the power of creating truth with affirmation…

Read This Book To Change Your Life Today!

Also available in Audiobook & Ebook Format

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Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time

The master teacher of positive change through powerful communication, Susan Scott, wants her readers to succeed. To do that, she explains, one must transform everyday conversations employing effective ways to get the message across. In this guide, which includes exercises and tools to take you step by step through the Seven Principles of Fierce Conversations, Scott teaches readers how to:

Overcome barriers to meaningful communication Expand and enrich conversations with colleagues, friends, and family Increase clarity and improve understanding Handle strong emotions-on both sides of the table Susan Scott believes that interpersonal difficulties–at work and at home–are a direct result of our inability to communicate well. Fierce Conversations is based on principles from her international consulting practice, in which she teaches executives how to conduct such exchanges more dynamically and ultimately more effectively, thereby improving the relationships they enjoy with their various dialogue partners “one conversation at a time.” Using identifiable anecdotes from her experience to inspire and inform, along with a series of practical exercises designed to impart the requisite skills, Scott walks readers through the individual steps she’s developed to build better associations through more robust and honest discourses. Addressing all aspects of the process, from several methods for listening more attentively to specific ways she’s fashioned to confront and resolve issues “that stand between you and success,” Scott offers the type of concrete advice and confidence-building counsel that should help even the most reticent improve their communication skills dramatically. –Howard Rothman

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MOTIVATION: The Art And Discipline of Unleashing Your Potential and Achieving Your Goals (Success, Unstoppable, Motivational, Productivity, Achievement)

Learn the essential and practical strategies to gain rock solid motivation and keep it! Are you fed up with setting your goals and not having the drive to get them? Do you find yourself making the same goals year after year, but not getting any closer than the last time? So many people find themselves in a vicious cycle of constantly trying to achieve a goal but never getting there because of the lack of motivation. It’s not that they can’t get motivated but that they haven’t found how to leverage their mind to work FOR them rather than against them! This book is unlike any other motivation book out there. Instead of giving you a long and boring book filled with all the fluff, it only contains the most practical and actionable strategies you can take away from the first chapter. In fact, this book is not meant to be finished in one sitting. Since the goal is to get you motivated and taking action, you can start with only the first section and build momentum to being a motivated machine! This book takes you through a progression of steps that can be in split up into 3 parts: what you can do today, what you can do this week, and then the long term strategies for more longer lasting motivation! Think of it as a crash course crammed full of tips and techniques you need to build the motivation required for those big goals you have! Here’s What You Will Learn… How to Get Motivated and STAY motivated How To Wake Up Energized How To “Lazy Proof” Your Life How to Find The Fuel For Your Motivation How To Create Laser Like Focus How To Leverage Yourself To Get More Results How To Prime Your Mind For Peak Performance And Much Much More… If you’re ready to start achieving your goals, then give this book a read and you won’t regret it. It’s short, it’s actionable and it can change everything. Tags: motivation book, inspirational books, productivity, unstoppable, achievement, discipline, happiness, procrastination, willpower, drive

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The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals

By the time it finally disappeared, it’s likely no one even noticed.

What happened? The “whirlwind” of urgent activity required to keep things running day-to-day devoured all the time and energy you needed to invest in executing your strategy for tomorrow! The 4 Disciplines of Execution can change all that forever.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is a simple, repeatable, and proven formula for executing on your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. By following The 4 Disciplines:

• Focusing on the Wildly Important
• Acting on Lead Measures
• Keeping a Compelling Scoreboard
• Creating a Cadence of Accountability

leaders can produce breakthrough results, even when executing the strategy requires a significant change in behavior from their teams.

4DX is not theory. It is a proven set of practices that have been tested and refined by hundreds of organizations and thousands of teams over many years. When a company or an individual adheres to these disciplines, they achieve superb results―regardless of the goal. 4DX represents a new way of thinking and working that is essential to thriving in today’s competitive climate. Simply put, this is one audiobook that no business leader can afford to miss.

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Spartan Up!: A Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life

Twenty-six point two miles isn’t enough anymore. Obstacle course racing, which combines the endurance challenges of a marathon with the mind-bending rigors of overcoming obstacles along the way, is taking the world by storm. At the center of this phenomenon is Joe De Sena, the driving force behind the enormously popular Spartan Race. De Sena offers a simple philosophy: commit to a goal, put in the work, and get it done. From that philosophy, as played out first in his own life and now for millions across trails, through mud, and up mountainsides, Spartan Race was born.

Now in Spartan Up! De Sena gives you a life strategy guide that takes you out of your comfort zone and into a combat zone. As he breaks down obstacles from his many races, detailing how each parallels real life experiences, you will learn how to:


• conquer your greatest obstacle—your will
• embrace your greatest friend—discipline
• make limitations vanish and establish a new normal
• achieve the ultimate: obstacle immunity


Other events breed sheep; Spartan Race breeds wolves. Filled with unforgettable stories of Spartan racers as well as hard-won truths learned along the course, Spartan Up! will help anyone reach their full potential—in life, business, relationships, indeed anything one sets out to do. It is the blueprint that takes you right past Go to your finish line.

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Achieving Excellence in School Counseling Through Motivation, Self-Direction, Self-Knowledge, and Relationships

Your step-by-step handbook for results-based school counseling!

This exciting new book by recognized school counseling experts describes a Construct-Based Approach (CBA) to school counseling that helps you:

Design standards, deliver interventions, and evaluate year-long counseling strategies, action steps and measures within a CBA context Apply “research-based” standards to reflect student abilities, competencies, capabilities and skills  Accurately assess student progress, proficiency and achievement  Provide useful feedback to parents and students

Includes in-depth analyses, a developmentally appropriate K–12 scope and sequence and essential tips and activities. Use this groundbreaking guide to uncover the key processes that ensure student success!