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Affirmation | The 500 Most Powerful Affirmations for Achieving Goals: Includes Life Changing Affirmations for Paleo Diet, Beauty, Lucid Dreaming, The Rich & Sales

Audio Version is Now Available with Audible!

Exclusive Offer — Includes Free Bonus of Best Selling Book: Conscious Visualization — 5 Simple Steps to Condition Your Mind to Create the Life of Your Dreams

You will not achieve fulfillment and happiness until YOU become the architect of your own reality. Imagine that with a few moments each day, you could begin the powerful transformation toward complete control of your own life and well being through positive affirmation. Because you can.

You will be able to release all fear and doubt simply because you know that you can. Utilize this simple, proven technique to regain the lost comforts of joy, love, and fulfillment in your life.

You have the ability to unlock your full inner-potential and achieve your ultimate goals. This is the age-old secret of the financial elite, world class scholars, and Olympic champions. For example, when you watch the Olympics, you’ll find one consistency in all of the champions. Each one closes their eyes for a moment and clearly affirms & visualizes themselves completing the event flawlessly just before starting. Then they win gold medals and become champions. That’s merely one example of how the real power of affirmation can elevate you above any of life’s challenges.

Life is too short to be exhausted on thousands of everyday anxieties and fears. Sadly, the average person will get to the end of their life and realize that more than half of it was spent struggling with these kind of problems. Because they didn’t know what to do, many of these people never found any satisfaction in life. You can and will become bigger than those struggles by enhancing the energy that already flows within you.

Too often people are held hostage and limited by a cycle of negative thinking and pessimism. This kind of thinking creates a streak of what many choose to call, “bad luck”. I have good news for you. There is no such thing as “bad luck”. This phenomenon is merely a cycle of negative affirmation that must be broken and mended with a fresh regimen of positive affirmation and vision. By repeating and remembering these affirmations in times of difficulty, we transform our rigid affirmations of defeat and intimidation into warm, confident manifestations of the world as we choose it to be.

Get what you want and desire from the world like millions of others around the globe using affirmations. You already possess the power to assert your own perceptions and transform your thoughts and desires into reality. By using positive affirmations daily, you will unlock that natural potential inside of you.

If you want to see positive change now, you’ll find the quickest path to fulfillment with positive affirmation and visualization. There is no time to spend on loss, negativity, and defeat when you can be achieving tangible, historically proven results with minimum time and effort invested.

There is no limit to changes that can be made through the power of creating truth with affirmation…

Read This Book To Change Your Life Today!

Also available in Audiobook & Ebook Format

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My Happy Place: A Children’s Self-Reflection and Personal Growth Journal with Creative Exercises, Fun Activities, Inspirational Quotes, Gratitude, Dreaming, Goal Setting, Coloring in, and Much More

**The perfect gift for the children in your life. **

“My Happy Place” will take children on an exciting journey of self-discovery. Filled with creative exercises, thoughtful questions, fun activities, and inspiring quotes; this book is so much more than a journal.

“My Happy Place” will help:

Empower kids to express themselves creatively through writing, drawing, pasting and coloring in. Unlock their feelings, hopes, and dreams. Deepen their insight into who they are. Build confidence and better relationships. Give them an awareness of the important role they play in the lives of others and the world. Teach them the fundamental habits of happiness to set them on a path to live a fulfilled and happy life.

Each page is beautifully illustrated and designed in full color by the creators of the Amazon best-selling journal “My Gratitude and Dream Journal”. It makes a perfect gift for those you love and a wonderful keepsake for years to come.

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The Dreams Behind The Music: Learn Creative Dreaming as 100+ Top Artists Reveal their Breakthrough Inspirations

Discover the fascinating dreams that are behind the music we know including 20+ Grammy-winning inspirations, the song with the most cover versions of all time, iTunes’ most-purchased song, major artist career breakthroughs, and many more dream-harvested successes.

You can also learn how to recall dreams better and tap them for creative inspiration (e.g. songwriting), improving skills such as live performance or musical instrument mastery, and even for practical guidance to help solve any challenge you may ever face. Understand your dreams better, transform upsetting dreams into the gifts they are meant to be, and explore techniques for invoking lucid dreams in which amazing adventures and insights are plentiful.

Over 200 artists and industry executives across all genres of music share powerful dreams and lucid dreaming experiences along with the songs and surprising success that resulted. Enjoy insight-packed dream accounts by music icons Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Billy Joel, Sting, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Drake, U2, Peter Gabriel, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, The Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, The Black-Eyed Peas, Ziggy Marley, Paul Simon, Pete Seeger, Cole Porter, Louis Armstrong, Beethoven, Mozart, Richard Wagner, Igor Stravinsky, and many more. Many of the experiences are accompanied by the empowering dream principles that such events demonstrate so that you can understand, apply, and benefit from them in your own life.

The book also reveals surprising musical collaborations sparked by dreams, dream visions that called artists to their career path, stars who ‘see’ music or ‘hear’ images, powerful warning dreams where the lives of famous artists and others were at stake, 20+ intriguing cases where the deceased appeared in dreams of living artists to instruct them or offer important creative and career guidance, as well as ways shamans from many cultures worldwide call in music from dreamland and share it for healing, teaching, protection, and powerful rituals. You will also find out how dreams have inspired film, TV and computer game soundtracks, artist and band names, instrument inventions, business and career decisions, playing techniques, and even performances, including one of the most expensive composition performance pieces ever created which involves 4 helicopters in flight.


“Any artist who ignores their dreams is ignoring half of their creative potential.” –Sting

“When you’re dozing, that’s when the creative ideas come.” –folk music legend Pete Seeger

“The best songs are the ones that come to you in the middle of the night.” –John Lennon

“You must learn the way to follow the dream.” –fifteen-time nominated and four-time Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Joseph Shabalala

“When a really great dream shows up, grab it!” –Larry Page, CEO of Google (a company sparked into being by a dream)
