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The Wisdom of Sundays: Life-Changing Insights from Super Soul Conversations

This program features interviews with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Caroline Myss, Daniel Pink, Michael Singer, Bryan Stevenson, Eckhart Tolle, Iyanla Vanzant, Elie Wiesel & Gary Zukav. Chapter Introductions are read by Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey says Super Soul Sunday is the television show she was born to do. “I see it as an offering,” she explains. “If you want to be more fully present and live your life with a wide-open heart, this is the place to come to.”

Now, for the first time, the aha moments of inspiration and soul-expanding insight that have enlightened millions on the three-time Emmy Award–winning Super Soul Sunday are collected in The Wisdom of Sundays, a beautiful, cherishable, deeply affecting audiobook.

Organized into ten chapters ― each one representing a powerful step in Oprah’s own spiritual journey and introduced with an intimate personal essay written and read by Oprah herself ― The Wisdom of Sundays features meaningful conversations between Oprah and some of today’s most-admired thought-leaders. Visionaries like Gary Zukav and John Kabat-Zinn share their lessons in finding purpose through
intention and mindfulness. World-renowned teachers like Eckhart Tolle and Michael Singer explain our complex relationship with the ego and the healing powers of love and connection; and award-winning and bestselling writers like Bryan Stevenson and Caroline Myss explore the beauty of forgiveness and spirituality.

This unique audiobook, adapted from the print edition, includes a complete conversation between Oprah and a leading visionary on each chapter’s topic, and Oprah Winfrey reads the original essay she wrote to introduce each chapter.

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Inspiration Point: Seven Generations of a Wyoming Family and their Conversations with God

Inspiration Point is where the Schooley family goes to pray when they REALLY need something to come true. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Isaac Schooley found the prominence in the canyon walls above his ranch when his son was killed and wife wounded. His great-great-great-great-grandson, John, is now ready to sell the ranch because his prayers are not coming true. His daughter is ill and he needs the money for treatment. Fred Boyce is the Realtor who helps John sell the ranch, but first wants to hear the story. The history includes scandal, abuse, murder, discovery, pride, passion, and seven generations of sin and hope for one family. Will the ranch and Inspiration Point provide one more miracle, or has God stopped listening?

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Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time

The master teacher of positive change through powerful communication, Susan Scott, wants her readers to succeed. To do that, she explains, one must transform everyday conversations employing effective ways to get the message across. In this guide, which includes exercises and tools to take you step by step through the Seven Principles of Fierce Conversations, Scott teaches readers how to:

Overcome barriers to meaningful communication Expand and enrich conversations with colleagues, friends, and family Increase clarity and improve understanding Handle strong emotions-on both sides of the table Susan Scott believes that interpersonal difficulties–at work and at home–are a direct result of our inability to communicate well. Fierce Conversations is based on principles from her international consulting practice, in which she teaches executives how to conduct such exchanges more dynamically and ultimately more effectively, thereby improving the relationships they enjoy with their various dialogue partners “one conversation at a time.” Using identifiable anecdotes from her experience to inspire and inform, along with a series of practical exercises designed to impart the requisite skills, Scott walks readers through the individual steps she’s developed to build better associations through more robust and honest discourses. Addressing all aspects of the process, from several methods for listening more attentively to specific ways she’s fashioned to confront and resolve issues “that stand between you and success,” Scott offers the type of concrete advice and confidence-building counsel that should help even the most reticent improve their communication skills dramatically. –Howard Rothman

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Conversations with History: Inspiration, Reflections, and Advice from History-Makers and Celebrities on the Other Side

      We followed the ups and downs of their lives in the media. We know about their mistakes, their struggles, and their joys. But have you ever wondered how celebrities and public figures would reflect on their lives since they passed? In an unprecedented reading experience, Conversations with History sheds some light.      Channeled by a psychic medium and written in interview format, this book takes readers on a unique journey with 22 spirits who were famous (or infamous) during their time on earth. Renowned personalities from 600 b.c. to 2011 a.d.—from Charlemagne, Ben Franklin, and Gandhi to Walt Disney, Kurt Vonnegut, and Steve Jobs—have returned to share their most important messages with us. Their passing led them to understand their life lessons and the ramifications of their choices. And now, with the clear-eyed vision gained only from the Other Side, they’re taking center stage one last time to offer us insights into their lives that they didn’t possess while they were here.      These famous spirits open up to share the lessons they’ve learned since their passing in order to help us live our lives better—lessons in abundance and prosperity, love and relationships, creativity and art, personal responsibility for the world around us, and the legacy we will leave for future generations. In every interview, there are simple but powerful lessons that readers can use to improve their lives every day.

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Good Talk, Dad: The Birds and the Bees…and Other Conversations We Forgot to Have

Bill Geist–the beloved, award-winning, long-time special correspondent for “CBS: Sunday Morning,” whose debut Little League Confidential was a New York Times bestseller in hardcover and paper–and Willie Geist, the Today Show host, popular member of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” and author of the best-selling American Freak Show–have begun an extended conversation between father and son on areas of mutual interest, agreement, and disagreement.

Told in a unique back-and-forth banter style, the hilarious father-son team will laugh together at the shared journey of their relationship. They’ll riff on fatherhood, religion, music, sports, summer camp disasters, driving lessons gone horribly wrong, being on TV, and their wonderfully odd family life. Think Big Russ and Me (May 2010, 345,829 net per bookscan) meets S*** My Dad Says, with humorous observations about professional wrestling as a worldview, raising a kid with television cameras in the kitchen, and anything and everything else that comes to their witty minds.

The Geists decided to write this book so their children and grandchildren would have a record of their unusual father-son relationship. The book is remarkably funny, as well as poignant and sincere, especially in light of Bill’s announcement that he’s been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. With its lighthearted look at the crazy things fathers and sons go through and the unique bond those experiences forge, the book is sure to be a must-have gift for Father’s Day.

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Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

Are you looking to enrich a healthy relationship, revitalize a tired one, or rescue one gone awry? We all want a lifetime of love, support, and companionship. But sometimes we need a little help.

Enter Dr. Sue Johnson, developer of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and “the best couple therapist in the world,” according to bestselling relationship expert Dr. John Gottman. In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Johnson shares her groundbreaking and remarkably successful program for creating stronger, more secure relationships.

The message of Hold Me Tight is simple: Forget about learning how to argue better, analyzing your early childhood, making grand romantic gestures, or experimenting with new sexual positions. Instead, get to the emotional underpinnings of your relationship by recognizing that you are emotionally attached to and dependent on your partner in much the same way that a child is on a parent for nurturing, soothing, and protection. Dr. Johnson teaches that the way to enhance or save a relationship is to be open, attuned, and responsive to each other and to reestablish emotional connection. With this in mind, she focuses on key moments in a relationship—from Recognizing the Demon Dialogues to Forgiving Injuries—and uses them as touch points for seven healing conversations. These conversations give you insight into the defining moments in your relationship and guide you in reshaping these moments to create a secure and lasting bond.

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Conversations with Yourself: A Practical Guide to Greater Happiness, Self-Development and Self-Empowerment (ArtScroll (Mesorah))

“The quality of your life is the quality of your on-going self-talk!”
Most people unconsciously engage in internal self-talk, and in this book, best-selling author Rabbi Zelig Pliskin guides the reader to achieve conscious awareness of meandering mental chatter and to transform it into a steady stream of purposeful thought. After reading the first three chapters of Conversations with Yourself, you will sense yourself achieving more and harnessing a power you never realized you had.
A master motivator, Rabbi Pliskin presents significant goals for character growth in simple, attainable steps. Drawing on the wisdom of the Jewish sages, his personal humor, and experiences common to all, Rabbi Pliskin details how anyone can shift habituated negative self-talk into a positive inner dialogue.
Each short chapter in Conversations with Yourself contains a powerful core thought which, as applied, can neutralize toxic self-talk and stimulate one’s positive inner voice. Among the many brilliant principles presented are:
*You Become What You Think About
*Problem Focus vs. Solution Focus
*Self-Conversations to Reach Your Important Goals
*How to be Unhappy!
*The Best Question You Can Ask Yourself
*Running Your Own Mental Broadcast
*”I” Speak to “Myself”
*Self-Talk and Falling Asleep
*Self-Talk about Money
*Self-Talk that Intensifies or Minimizes Anger

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Conversations with the Universe: How the World Speaks to Us

Conversations with The Universe: How the World Speaks to Us reveals how repetitions, coincidence and synchronicity are part of a personal conversation from the Universe, intended to provide ease and guidance. We are not alone, nor have we been creating life experiences on our own. There is a co-creative Universal Intelligence who is very much involved and continually seeking a dialogue. The problem is not so much the life challenges, but our own individual lack of communication with our co-creator. A conversation is happening all of the time, but we must open our eyes and ears to it. When we do, an opportunity to reconnect with the lighter side of life ensues. We do not have to get wrapped up in the heaviness. Instead of becoming overwhelmed by the issues at hand, we can become aware of the answers and solutions constantly presenting themselves. The Universe wants us to be joyful, have fun, and let go. The synchronicities, symbols, and messages are always intended to guide us. They are there to make us smile, to stop to remember there is more to life than the current object of our perceptions. Instead of having to work things out, we can play them out, yielding more aligned outcomes and a greater experience. When we are able to remember the vast connection that exists, the illusions we live become more and more apparent. Greater awareness of the messages and engagement in the dialogue allows us to laugh with the heavens at ourselves at life and our seriousness.

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Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead: Seven Compelling Dialogues That Will Transform the Way You Think About Dying . . . and Living

“This remarkable book by Irene Kendig offers deep comfort and gentle peace to anyone grieving the death of a loved one.” -Neale Donald Walsch, N.Y. Times Bestselling Author of Conversations with God”This wonderful book, filled with love and wisdom, provides many answers about our ‘deceased’ loved ones. Highly recommended.” -Robert Schwartz, Author of Your Soul’s Plan”This book speaks truth. Consciousness is immortal and distinct from the body.” -Bernie Siegel, M.D., NY Times Bestselling Author of 365 Prescriptions For the         Soul and Faith, Hope & HealingIrene Kendig’s mission is to inspire conscious, joyous living. Grateful Press, LLC is proud to announce that her debut book, Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead: Seven compelling dialogues that will transform the way you think about dying . . . and living, has been honored with multiple national and international awards since its release:
In this remarkable collection of interviews with seven people who’ve died, Irene Kendig, with the help of a gifted medium, explores what happens when we transition from physical to non-physical life. Each of the seven dialogues begins with the same question: What did you experience when you released your last breath on earth? This book is for anyone who has ever wondered whether there is a Heaven or a Hell, a Judgment Day, or a reunion with loved ones. It will illuminate and inspire your heart and mind whether you believe in an afterlife or not. These dialogues explore life from a spiritual perspective, which elevates consciousness and empowers you to make choices in alignment with your soul’s purpose. 
The responses offered by Ms. Kendig’s loved ones not only diminish fear of dying, they provide solace for those who grieve, and inspire all to live courageously, joyfully, and respectfully . . . now. If you are hungry for spiritual truth and meaning, this book is a banquet of knowledge, wisdom–and peace of mind.

Product Features

  • Compelling dialogues about living and dying