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Inspiration Point: Seven Generations of a Wyoming Family and their Conversations with God

Inspiration Point is where the Schooley family goes to pray when they REALLY need something to come true. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Isaac Schooley found the prominence in the canyon walls above his ranch when his son was killed and wife wounded. His great-great-great-great-grandson, John, is now ready to sell the ranch because his prayers are not coming true. His daughter is ill and he needs the money for treatment. Fred Boyce is the Realtor who helps John sell the ranch, but first wants to hear the story. The history includes scandal, abuse, murder, discovery, pride, passion, and seven generations of sin and hope for one family. Will the ranch and Inspiration Point provide one more miracle, or has God stopped listening?

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Generations of Inspirations

This is a collection of poems written by my great grandfather and myself. The poems from my great grandfather are written in the 70’s and some before that. My poems are written when I was a child to present day. God brought inspirations to us that will span generations and leave a legacy for God. They are poems about God’s love and grace. There are also a couple of poems I included for fun and one poem about a fire that happened in Corry, PA years ago to honor those who gave their lives, and I believe it represents all those who gave their lives as firefighters. The poem I wrote in first grade about the Statue of Liberty speaks of our freedom as a nation. This book is a piece of history in our family that I want to share with the world.