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Five Steps to Experiencing Self-Love: Unleashing Your Inner Power To Create the Life of Your Dreams

Havana wants her life to be over!

“Damn this life, damn this pitiful excuse for an existence!” curses Havana through her tears, feeling victimized by life leaving only hopelessness and worse, helpless to do anything about it. Oblivious to her surroundings, she is sitting on a park bench in the cold rain, lost in emotional pain. Just when she thought all was lost, something miraculous happens. Last minute reprieve. Almost as if Divine Intervention had stepped in, Mary, a total stranger comes along, gathers Havana up from where she is sitting like a drowned rat, soaked to the bone and shaking with the cold and takes her to a warm apartment where she helps to revive Havana’s spirits and life. What needs to be done? This book shines a spotlight on what the five key steps are that anyone can use to transform those chronically held self-destructive thoughts, feelings and beliefs into joy, peace and happiness. Havana will learn how to unshackle the chains of thoughts, feelings and beliefs of a lifetime that had bound her body, mind and spirit to a life of drudgery and sadness. A new uncharted road holds the promise of a new life, a new state of being and a life of creativity, joy and peace of mind if she fully commits herself to this lifelong process. If she stays the course through thick and thin, despite what the outer world is presenting to the contrary, she can succeed in what is a lifelong work-in-progress or self-mastery. Is she ready for it? Follow the twists and turns of Mary’s journey to personal transformation and spiritual awakening which so inspired Havana. Is Mary’s story enough to motivate Havana to seize the day and begin her own journey back to joy, peace and well-being? Find out by starting with Chapter 1. Is it too late for Havana? Havana is too exhausted to respond much to Mary’s inquiries about how she can help Havana. When Mary tells Havana her own personal journey into transformation, Havana begins to believe it might be possible for her and feels inspired. Mary explains that this could be a journey that is at times difficult and discouraging, fraught with doubts and temptations to quit along the way, but the rewards for her persistence are incalculable. Truly a creative new life of joy and peace, or a new me, the person she had always wanted to be, is her reward just like Mary had triumphantly achieved before her. What can Mary do for Havana? Mary begins by talking about self-love, self-acceptance and worthiness as merely words or concepts until employed with feeling from the heart. Experiencing it from the heart is another matter entirely. Havana knows it is not something she has felt knowingly and wonders how does she feel and become self-love? In less than a day, Havana learns from Mary the five steps to personal transformation through self-love, which opens wide the door of hope for Havana. She learns that all creativity evolves or springs from self-love. Can this really be true? But why? Havana still has her doubts as to whether or not she can succeed at such a drastic change in her view of herself and life. Is this book for you? This is a guidebook and workshop for those wholly committed to aligning themselves with an abundant life, moving out of struggle and survival into well-being. You’ll learn to uncover what are almost invisible thoughts, feelings and beliefs that sabotage your efforts of personal transformation and liberation. It includes links to free guided meditations that embed into your consciousness and ultimately sub consciousness, the five step process to rewiring your mind, body and life. This book is for fans of Abraham-Hicks, Jeshua, The Personal Christ series, Lee Carroll as Kryon series, Wayne Dyer and other new thought authors.

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MOTIVATION: The Art And Discipline of Unleashing Your Potential and Achieving Your Goals (Success, Unstoppable, Motivational, Productivity, Achievement)

Learn the essential and practical strategies to gain rock solid motivation and keep it! Are you fed up with setting your goals and not having the drive to get them? Do you find yourself making the same goals year after year, but not getting any closer than the last time? So many people find themselves in a vicious cycle of constantly trying to achieve a goal but never getting there because of the lack of motivation. It’s not that they can’t get motivated but that they haven’t found how to leverage their mind to work FOR them rather than against them! This book is unlike any other motivation book out there. Instead of giving you a long and boring book filled with all the fluff, it only contains the most practical and actionable strategies you can take away from the first chapter. In fact, this book is not meant to be finished in one sitting. Since the goal is to get you motivated and taking action, you can start with only the first section and build momentum to being a motivated machine! This book takes you through a progression of steps that can be in split up into 3 parts: what you can do today, what you can do this week, and then the long term strategies for more longer lasting motivation! Think of it as a crash course crammed full of tips and techniques you need to build the motivation required for those big goals you have! Here’s What You Will Learn… How to Get Motivated and STAY motivated How To Wake Up Energized How To “Lazy Proof” Your Life How to Find The Fuel For Your Motivation How To Create Laser Like Focus How To Leverage Yourself To Get More Results How To Prime Your Mind For Peak Performance And Much Much More… If you’re ready to start achieving your goals, then give this book a read and you won’t regret it. It’s short, it’s actionable and it can change everything. Tags: motivation book, inspirational books, productivity, unstoppable, achievement, discipline, happiness, procrastination, willpower, drive

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This Way Up: Seven Tools for Unleashing Your Creative Self and Transforming Your Life

Women spend so much of life nurturing and giving to others that when they find themselves alone―because of an empty nest, the end of a marriage, or the death of a partner―they often struggle with feeling purposeless. This Way Up: Seven Tools for Unleashing Your Creative Self and Transforming Your Life provides a step-by-step way out of this sense of loss and into a life filled with enthusiasm, creativity, and joy.

This story of healing centers on the essential wisdom of introspection and on the importance of following one’s dreams. Join the protagonist, Katya, a widow whose two sons have recently left home, as she learns seven tools for uncovering her best self: visualization, heart-centered goal setting, positive focus, meditation on love; meditation on forgiveness, gratitude, and taking action on inspiration.
Katya’s experience highlights these insights in an easily digestible, highly relatable format that readers can systematically apply to their own circumstances as they work through This Way Up’s twelve weeks’ worth of day-by-day journaling exercises, thought-provoking questions, and reader support. For any woman who yearns to lead a fuller life but doesn’t know how to begin, this book is an ideal starting point.

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The Biology of Belief 10th Anniversary Edition: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles

It has been ten years since the publication of The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton’s seminal book on the relationship between mind and body that changed the way we think about our lives, our health, and our planet. During that time, research in this field has grown exponentially—Lipton’s groundbreaking experiments have now been endorsed by more than a decade of rigorous scientific study.

In this greatly expanded edition, Lipton, a former medical school professor and research scientist, explores his own experiments and those of other leading-edge scientists that have unraveled in ever greater detail how truly connected the mind, body, and spirit are. It is now widely recognized that genes and DNA do not control our biology. Instead, they are controlled by signals from outside the cell, including energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.

This profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics puts the power to create a healthy, joyous life back in our own hands. When we transform our conscious and subconscious thoughts, we transform our lives, and in the process help humanity evolve to a new level of understanding and peace.

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The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles

With more than 100,000 copies sold of his self-published book, The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton teams up with Hay House to bring his message to an even wider audience. This book is a groundbreaking work in the field of new biology, and it will forever change how you think about thinking. Through the research of Dr. Lipton and other leading-edge scientists, stunning new discoveries have been made about the interaction between your mind and body and the processes by which cells receive information. It shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts. Using simple language, illustrations, humor, and everyday examples, he demonstrates how the new science of Epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of the link between mind and matter and the profound effects it has on our personal lives and the collective life of our species.

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Cracking Your Church’s Culture Code: Seven Keys to Unleashing Vision and Inspiration

Strategies for transforming a toxic church culture

Why is it that the best strategic plans and good leadership often are not able to move churches in the desired direction? Sam Chand contends that toxic culture is to blame. Quite often, leaders don’t sense the toxicity, but it poisons their relationships and derails their vision. This work describes five easily identifiable categories of church culture (inspiring-accepting-stagnant-discouraging-toxic), with diagnostic descriptions in the book and a separate online assessment tool. The reader will be able to identify strengths and needs of their church’s culture, and then apply practical strategies (communication, control and authority, selection and placement of personnel, etc.) to make their church’s culture more positive. Discusses how to diagnose the state of a church’s cultureReveals what it takes to put in place effective strategies for creating a more positive church cultureAuthor served on the board of EQUIP (Dr. John Maxwell’s Ministry), equipping five million leaders world-wide.

This important book offers a clear guide for understanding and recreating a healthy church culture.