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Five Steps to Experiencing Self-Love: Unleashing Your Inner Power To Create the Life of Your Dreams

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Havana wants her life to be over!

“Damn this life, damn this pitiful excuse for an existence!” curses Havana through her tears, feeling victimized by life leaving only hopelessness and worse, helpless to do anything about it. Oblivious to her surroundings, she is sitting on a park bench in the cold rain, lost in emotional pain. Just when she thought all was lost, something miraculous happens. Last minute reprieve. Almost as if Divine Intervention had stepped in, Mary, a total stranger comes along, gathers Havana up from where she is sitting like a drowned rat, soaked to the bone and shaking with the cold and takes her to a warm apartment where she helps to revive Havana’s spirits and life. What needs to be done? This book shines a spotlight on what the five key steps are that anyone can use to transform those chronically held self-destructive thoughts, feelings and beliefs into joy, peace and happiness. Havana will learn how to unshackle the chains of thoughts, feelings and beliefs of a lifetime that had bound her body, mind and spirit to a life of drudgery and sadness. A new uncharted road holds the promise of a new life, a new state of being and a life of creativity, joy and peace of mind if she fully commits herself to this lifelong process. If she stays the course through thick and thin, despite what the outer world is presenting to the contrary, she can succeed in what is a lifelong work-in-progress or self-mastery. Is she ready for it? Follow the twists and turns of Mary’s journey to personal transformation and spiritual awakening which so inspired Havana. Is Mary’s story enough to motivate Havana to seize the day and begin her own journey back to joy, peace and well-being? Find out by starting with Chapter 1. Is it too late for Havana? Havana is too exhausted to respond much to Mary’s inquiries about how she can help Havana. When Mary tells Havana her own personal journey into transformation, Havana begins to believe it might be possible for her and feels inspired. Mary explains that this could be a journey that is at times difficult and discouraging, fraught with doubts and temptations to quit along the way, but the rewards for her persistence are incalculable. Truly a creative new life of joy and peace, or a new me, the person she had always wanted to be, is her reward just like Mary had triumphantly achieved before her. What can Mary do for Havana? Mary begins by talking about self-love, self-acceptance and worthiness as merely words or concepts until employed with feeling from the heart. Experiencing it from the heart is another matter entirely. Havana knows it is not something she has felt knowingly and wonders how does she feel and become self-love? In less than a day, Havana learns from Mary the five steps to personal transformation through self-love, which opens wide the door of hope for Havana. She learns that all creativity evolves or springs from self-love. Can this really be true? But why? Havana still has her doubts as to whether or not she can succeed at such a drastic change in her view of herself and life. Is this book for you? This is a guidebook and workshop for those wholly committed to aligning themselves with an abundant life, moving out of struggle and survival into well-being. You’ll learn to uncover what are almost invisible thoughts, feelings and beliefs that sabotage your efforts of personal transformation and liberation. It includes links to free guided meditations that embed into your consciousness and ultimately sub consciousness, the five step process to rewiring your mind, body and life. This book is for fans of Abraham-Hicks, Jeshua, The Personal Christ series, Lee Carroll as Kryon series, Wayne Dyer and other new thought authors.

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1 thought on “Five Steps to Experiencing Self-Love: Unleashing Your Inner Power To Create the Life of Your Dreams

  1. I love this book Char Walter has channeled the highest truth in keystone foundation for Spiritual Growth.I love this book, as will all. I would post more stars if they were available.Thank you, this process is phenomenal!

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