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The Amalfitano’s Bold Abduction (Italian Billionaires)

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Dana Marsden’s first mistake is stopping on the fog-shrouded Amalfi Coast road to help clear a traffic jam. Her second is rescuing the valuable cat that appears out of the mist. And the third? Trusting the handsome Italian who comes to her aid when her rental car plunges over a cliff in what may not have been an accident.

Since the American police officer refuses to believe she’s in danger, Andrea Tonello sees only one option: spirit her away to the safety of his private island. But who’s going to protect him from one mad, independent lady when Dana discovers what he’s done?

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3 thoughts on “The Amalfitano’s Bold Abduction (Italian Billionaires)

  1. Beautiful story I liked the story. The cat was a little to much in my opinion but it was ok. I love happy ending love stories. It was a good read

  2. Bold and Beautiful! Absolutely felt the rush of the wind off the sea, the moments of passion, the beauty of the world around this couple and so much more! Loved, loved this simple plot but descriptive draw to each page. Well written!

  3. Sweet with a lttle danger I enjoyed the build up of tension between the couple & shock of foul play near misses. I guess I expected more resistance or sleuthing from a police woman, more passionate romancing from Italian stud & possibly a little more outrage about towards the person wreaking havoc.

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