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The Breaking Light (Split City)

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In a stratified society where contact with the sun is a luxury reserved for the elite, those kept prisoner in the darkness will do anything to find the light. Arden—beautiful, street-smart, and cynical—is one of the citizens of the lowest Level, known as Undercity, of an off-world colony. A blackout band traps Arden in her district, but as sister to the leader of the most powerful gang in Undercity, she has access to Above.

There she meets Dade, one of the few lucky enough to be born into the sun-kissed families who reside in the Towers soaring above the rest of the city. But life isn’t perfect in the sky. Dade, desperate to escape his upcoming arranged marriage, has a secret of his own, and he’s willing to risk everything for it.

An unlikely romance develops between the two teens—but their love faces opposition from above and below. When her gang pressures Arden to help break the grip of the elite and end Dade’s interference with their drug trade, she is forced to make a deadly choice between love and family loyalty. But will the brewing class war destroy the world around them first?

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3 thoughts on “The Breaking Light (Split City)

  1. The Breaking Light This Kindle First Pick of March was a surprise. It was classified as science fiction story. I think a more accurate category is Young Adult. As such, it was an enjoyable read about class war and star crossed lovers. The world we are introduced to is based on the availability of the sun. If you’re poor, you live on the bottom levels where the mines were. It’s dark and decaying without access to the life giving sun. Those who are fortunate enough to belong to the ruling class live on the top…

  2. ~~Heavy on Romance/Light on Sci-Fi~~ This book is not what I expected from the blurb. For me, it is heavy on a romance between teenagers and light on the sci-fi aspect. Arden is from the Undercity and Dade is from the Towers. His is a life of privilege while hers is that of want. 

  3. Decent Story More YA than Sci-Fi Perhaps I didn’t read between the lines of the book’s description. I was caught by the Science Fiction designation and the editor’s mention of one of the main characters being a wealthy socialite. It appears I should have paid more attention to the book’s description, although I only had “two teens” buried in the last paragraph to give any hint that this book is more of a YA than anything else. 

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