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In The End of Dieting, Joel Fuhrman, MD, delivers a powerful paradigm-shifting book that shows us how and why we never need to diet again. Fuhrman writes, ”By reading this book, you will understand the key principles of the science of health, nutrition, and weight loss. It will give you a simple and effective strategy to achieve–and maintain–an optimal weight without dieting for the rest of your life. This new approach will free you forever from a merry-go-round of diets and endless, tedious discussions about dieting strategies. This is the end of dieting.”
Good Information that I Will be Using I have some of Dr. Fuhrhman’s other books, and he does repeat some of the same information here, in just about exactly the same words … but I listen to them on CD during my commute, and the constant repetition really helps drive home this useful information about eating more healthfully for longer and more quality life. The only criticism I have is that I don’t like the voice of the man who is reading the book; it’s rather whiney and unpleasant. I have Eat for Health on CD, read by Dr…
Best book by Dr. Fuhrman yet!! I have read Dr. Fuhrman’s, Eat To Live, Eat For Health and Super Immunity. This book BY FAR is his best one yet. I am almost done with it. Chapter two is titled diet myths exposed. I loved his take on SAD (standard American diet), Paleo Diet, Mediterranean Diet, Wheat Belly Diet and some low-fat fallacies. That chapter alone is worth the price of the book. But the best chapter by far is where he explains “The Plan” in chapter six. He details this eating plan so anyone can get it. I call…