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Daily Fitness Motivation: 365 Days Of The Best Motivational Quotes For Exercise, Weightloss, Self-discipline, Training, Bodybuilding, Dieting And Living A Healthy Lifestyle.

We all have those days. We come up with any excuse we can not to workout. We tell ourselves I’ll go for that run tomorrow and tomorrow ends up being the next day and so on. For most of us, all we need is a little push out the door. That little spark of motivation to get us out of the chair and into the gym. With this book you’ll ensure each and every day you get that spark you need. We’ve included some of histories most inspirational and epic quotes from histories biggest athletes and leaders, that will unleash your drive to look and perform your best.

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The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life

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In The End of Dieting, Joel Fuhrman, MD, delivers a powerful paradigm-shifting book that shows us how and why we never need to diet again. Fuhrman writes, ”By reading this book, you will understand the key principles of the science of health, nutrition, and weight loss. It will give you a simple and effective strategy to achieve–and maintain–an optimal weight without dieting for the rest of your life. This new approach will free you forever from a merry-go-round of diets and endless, tedious discussions about dieting strategies. This is the end of dieting.”