We all have those days. We come up with any excuse we can not to workout. We tell ourselves I’ll go for that run tomorrow and tomorrow ends up being the next day and so on. For most of us, all we need is a little push out the door. That little spark of motivation to get us out of the chair and into the gym. With this book you’ll ensure each and every day you get that spark you need. We’ve included some of histories most inspirational and epic quotes from histories biggest athletes and leaders, that will unleash your drive to look and perform your best.
Tag: Bodybuilding
Bodybuilding Motivation: Inspiration for Lifting and Life
With each stride; each repetition, With each run into the wind and rain, Each set to fatigue that seems unwinnable, with each strange look from comfortable passengers in a car, I continue to fight. Each rep, each stretch, each gate means one step closer. Each stride and pull makes my enemies shrink in fear and my allies feel more secure. This isn’t lifting, working out, or jogging. This is a battle. No, this is war. And I forgot to bring my white flag. Bodybuilding motivation is a collection of inspiring stories, tips and tricks to help you maximize performance in the gym, and the best way to manage your must important asset: Your mind. Huge improvements and unbelievable performance are unlocked by best managing your mindset before, during, and after your workout. Because in the gym everything else goes out the window…it doesn’t matter how much money you have, your history, what waits outside those gym doors…in these hallowed halls if only for a few hours we get to be gods. There are no more barriers, restriction, no limitations…our objectives are as close as our will to achieve them. Because men and women are seperated in the “real world” by class, income, and reputation…but once your underneath the iron all that goes out the window and the real person comes out. Bodybuilding motivation topics include diet and nutrition, workout strategies, and goal setting. This is not a how to book, but instead an instruction manual for best utilizing mental preparation strategies in order to succeed both in and out of the gym. Readers new to the work out lifestyle will benefit from this book, as well as seasoned veterans looking for a competitive edge. Readers can choose to use this as a guide just for vastly improving their workouts, or use it as a guide for success in other areas of life. Topics such as meditation and positive self talk are explored, but the work is far from flighty or new age. They are real world tools for best maximizing your performance whether you are a weekend warrior or a competitive athlete.