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The Five Love Languages Audio CD: The Secret to Love That Lasts

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For partners seeking harmony, how we express ourselves is as important as what we say. What speaks to volumes to you may be meaningless to your spouse. But here, at last, is the key to understanding each other’s unique needs. Apply the right principles, learn the right language, and soon you’ll know the profound satisfaction and joy of being able to express your love–and feeling truly loved in return. This CD helps us figure out which words and actions our spouse interprets as loving and affirming, and which ones are indifferent and demeaning.

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3 thoughts on “The Five Love Languages Audio CD: The Secret to Love That Lasts

  1. love languages This CD has saved my marriage. I have little time to read so when I heard of this CD, I tried it. The material is clear, to the point, and filled with examples. Would recommend the book or CD to every married couple, and person’s that plan to marry some day. Wish I had this 30 years ago.

  2. Learning to talk Love I enjoyed Gary Chapman’s reading of his book, his voice brought the words alive. I had no problem staying interested or understanding the message of the book. I spend a lot of time in my car and as I listened to “The Five Love Languages” I easily started to recognize where I had not been speaking love to my husband nor was I realizing his efforts to speak love to me. I also learned how this applies to all our relationships children, family, friends, etc. I have listened to Gary Chapman’s “The…

  3. Should be required reading! This is the most helpful book on relationships EVER written! If you are in a loving relationship, engaged, newly weds or married for many years, YOU NEED TO READ THIS. In fact, I recommend reading it once a year to keep it fresh in your mind. I’ve never heard anything that makes more sense than this book. I like books read to me while I drive, so I bought this as an audiobook. I’m listening to it for the second time. My husband is listening to it. I plan to pass it on to my friends when…

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