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The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hidden Toxins in Your Food and Lose Weight, Look Years Younger, and Get Healthy in Just 21 Days!

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Cut hidden food toxins, lose weight, and get healthy in just 21 days.

Did you know that your fast food fries contain a chemical used in Silly Putty? Or that a juicy peach sprayed heavily with pesticides could be triggering your body to store fat? When we go to the supermarket, we trust that all our groceries are safe to eat. But much of what we’re putting into our bodies is either tainted with chemicals or processed in a way that makes us gain weight, feel sick, and age before our time.

Luckily, Vani Hari – aka the Food Babe – has got your back. A food activist who has courageously put the heat on big food companies to disclose ingredients and remove toxic additives from their products, Hari has made it her life’s mission to educate the world about how to live a clean, organic, healthy lifestyle in an overprocessed, contaminated-food world, and how to look and feel fabulous while doing it.

In THE FOOD BABE WAY, Hari invites you to follow an easy and accessible plan to rid your body of toxins, lose weight without counting calories, and restore your natural glow in just 21 days. Including anecdotes of her own transformation along with easy-to-follow shopping lists, meal plans, and mouthwatering recipes, THE FOOD BABE WAY will empower you to change your food, change your body, and change the world.

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3 thoughts on “The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hidden Toxins in Your Food and Lose Weight, Look Years Younger, and Get Healthy in Just 21 Days!

  1. An honest review from someone that read the book. I purchased and read this book before writing this review. Yes, within one day. Apparently I don’t have friends or things to do. Seriously though, it’s an easy read, and I’m incredibly interested in this stuff. 

  2. Every household should have a copy of this book!!!! I cannot say enough about this book, it is amazing!!!! You cannot read it and still buy processed foodsand enjoy them. The truth can set us all free, if we dare to confront what is happening, instead of keeping our heads in the proverbial sand. Big props to the companies that have reformulated their products, we should all reward them with our loyalty, by purchasing their products. Vani is so honest, and so willing to stand up for the truth, she is an inspiration. I am not surprised that big…

  3. Verified purchases? Is Monsanto or some other company writing reviews now? I looked at the 153 one star reviews and none were berified purchases. All were from 2/10/15 and if the book was so aweful, how did they manage to read such a horrible book in one day? It looks like a campaign to discredit the author. I have not purchased the book yet but do follow the author’s information and as a person who was a Toxicologist for 20 years, I can say her information is basically accurate. She has also led to more than a…

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