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Your Inspiration Break: Words of Hope, Humor, and Healing

Great preachers tell great stories. To be honest, every preacher knows you’ll remember the stories long after you have forgotten the sermon. Lynn Jones has collected 50 years’ worth of great stories. Each communicates a spiritual and practical truth that you can apply to your life.

These stories have been compiled to provide an Inspiration Break that can breathe fresh air into your day. Just like you take a break to replenish your body, it is also important to take a break and refresh your soul.

Your Inspiration Break is a collection of stories that communicate hope, humor, and healing.

Lynn Jones is a native of Plainview, Louisiana, and is a graduate of Plainview High School. He is a graduate of Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana and Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He began his ministry in 1964, and in the years since, has served as pastor of nine different churches in three different states. In addition to serving as a pastor, Lynn has taught high school English and social studies as well as community college and seminary Bible courses. He is married to Danielle and is the father of one son, Blake. Lynn and Danielle live in Oxford, Mississippi.

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Break the Norms: Questioning Everything You Think You Know About God and Truth, Life and Death, Love and Sex

Have you ever felt like you’re living out a script written for you by others—in your work, your relationships, or spirituality? “To break through the norms we’ve been conditioned to believe is an act of rebellion,” writes Chandresh Bhardwaj. “We must be prepared to be brutally honest. We must overturn our assumptions and unlearn our suffering. We must be willing to discover our real reasons for being alive.”
In Break the Norms, Chandresh illuminates the unconscious beliefs we carry about matters of sex, death, love, ego, God, and gurus—then offers penetrating questions and self-inquiry practices to help us separate our own truth from the products of the status quo. Join him to explore:
• Your Inner Truth—how to set aside your conditioned, ego-based perspective and bring forth your authentic wisdom
• Spiritual Practice—where you can get stuck practicing meditation and yoga, and how to keep moving toward a deeper experience of God
• Mastering the Ego—developing a healthy approach for dealing with anger, fear, and desire
• Seeking Your Guru—dispelling the myths about gurus and finding the right teacher to hold up a mirror to your soul
• Love, Sex, and Spirit—how we can the integrate the physical world and the transcendent through the path of devotion
• Mortality and Morality—overcoming our fear of death and our resistance to creating heaven on earth
There are no “right answers” in spirituality, but asking the right questions can help us discover who we are and what we are becoming. “Authenticity is inherent each of our souls,” writes Chandresh. “When we start to be authentic, we start to get back in touch with our divine source.” Break the Norms is the first book from a compelling new teacher—and a clarion call to embrace our own spiritual authority.

Product Features

  • Break the Norms Questioning Everything You Think You Know about God and Truth Life and Death Love and Sex
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Quotes for Nasty Women: Empowering Wisdom from Women Who Break the Rules

Nasty women, unite—and read this compendium of fascinating quotations about powerful women through history.
“My passions were all gathered together like fingers that made a fist. Drive is considered aggression today. I knew it then as purpose.” —Bette Davis
When Donald Trump referred to Hillary Clinton as “such a nasty woman” during the last presidential debate in 2016, women everywhere felt a jolt of recognition—whatever their politics or feelings about Clinton. In response, they promptly turned his insult into an empowering slogan. This book celebrates the now-ironic phrase with a collection of quotations by and about strong women, both critical and positive. The words come from figures in ancient history like Cleopatra; founding mothers like Mary Wollstonecraft and Elizabeth Cady Stanton; feminist icons such as Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan; politicians and government leaders; groundbreakers in arts and culture; celebrities; and the mothers, daughters, and sisters at home.

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Relaunch Your Life: Break the Cycle of Self Defeat, Destroy Negative Emotions and Reclaim Your Personal Power

Low self-esteem damaging your confidence? Want to eliminate the power of negative emotions? Do you feel shy, awkward, and disconnected from people?

If so, you could learn the skills and strategies to put an end to self-defeating behaviour starting today.

Relaunch Your Life takes you by the hand and guides you through the four mindsets that are failing you. You will learn to overcome fear and uncertainty, remove your issues with low self-esteem, and and put an end to the negative emotions stopping you from living the life you really want.

Build your self-worth and become good enough for anybody

Overcome feelings of defectivenessHandle the fear of rejection and inferiority beliefsBreak the cycle of self defeat that is keeping you trappedLearn to trust yourself and othersReinvent your lifestyle and change the way you are livingConfront your fears of vulnerability

Relaunch Your Life will help you move you from a place of perfection toward imperfection, and convert negative emotions holding you back to positive emotions that are focused on self-love and the ability to accept who you are as a person of true value.

In this book I’ll share with you my best strategies that have helped me to:

Become more confident with the eye contact and positive body controlStop comparisons that destroy self-esteemBuild an amazing self-imageInteract directly with people without feeling overwhelmedAchieve greater satisfaction and fulfillment in my personal relationshipsStop demanding perfection from myself and othersBuild greater trust in both myself and relationships with friends and family

Download: Relaunch Your Life: Break the Cycle of Self-Defeat, Destroy Negative Emotions and Reclaim Your Personal Power

Our negative patterns, thoughts, and behaviors keep us trapped, miserable, and frustrated. The steps in this book encourage you to take action, recognize your negative patterns, and then apply strategies for personal recovery.

By reading Relaunch Your Life you’ll also be able to:

Get over abandonment issues

Stop being invisible and let the world see you for all you are.

Reinvent how you feel about your self-image;redefine your image

Build the self image you want

Interact with people without feeling overwhelmed

You can eliminate your connection to negative behaviour and learn to live a more fulfilling, happier, and freedom-rich lifestyle. Are you ready to Relaunch Your Life and be everything you’ve ever wanted?

Why wait to start living your life? Scroll up to the top of the page right now and click the BUY NOW button.

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Habits: 50 Best Habits To Create A Successful Life And Break Bad Habits Permanently! (The Power Of Habits, Habits For Success, Bad Habits, Motivation)

The Secrets To Changing Your Bad Habits Will Be Revealed!
A Short Read With Easy To Apply Practical Tips & Powerful Knowledge That Will Help You In No Time

Your bad habits hinder you on creating a wonderful life. It keeps you from accomplishing your goals. They may even endanger your health, whether physically, emotionally or mentally. Not to mention that waste most of your time and energy instead of making the most of it. Let’s face it. It runs our lives. Most of what we do is truly based on the habit we have developed at some points of our life. But the question here is, why we keep on doing them although we already know they are wrong? Is there anything we can do to break them?

If that is the case, you are reading the perfect book! This is not a book to remind you of your mistakes or fill your mind with empty motivational quotes

This book will include step-by-step instructions and the how to’s along the way.

Here Is A Preview Of What Inside The Book:

Build a positive and successful life and be able to overcome these bad habits forever not just on yourselves, but also with your career. Achieve a better mind-setting strategy, which will keep you calm and attentive all the time.Develop a better personality Free yourself forever from these bad habits and start anew on good ones! And many moreTake Action Today and change your life and be the better version of yourself by building empowering habits! Click the “Buy now with 1-Click” to the right and get this short guide immediately.

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Emotional Abuse Breakthrough: How to Speak Up, Set Boundaries, and Break the Cycle of Manipulation and Control with Your Abusive Partner

Are you being bullied and manipulated and made to feel it’s your fault? Is your self-worth being stripped away by an abusive partner who treats you like a household appliance?

Nothing is more DAMAGING than living with an emotional abuser whose controlling and crazy-making behaviors are causing you to feel afraid, depressed and alone.Physical abuse leaves visible scars, but emotional abuse wounds you to the core.
You know you’re in pain, and you feel isolated, unloved, and even frightened. But your abuser has an uncanny way of turning the tables on you and denying the abuse.

You just wish your partner would finally wake up and treat you with the love, kindness and respect you long for. But no matter what you do, nothing changes.

An abusive bully uses mind games, control, verbal abuse, and other narcissistic traits.

Bestselling author Barrie Davenport will clear up the confusion about whether or not your partner’s behavior is really abuse. Even if you’re hopeless about your situation,Emotional Abuse Breakthrough will open your eyes and empower you for the future.

Victims often fear if they stand up for themselves, their partner will leave or make things worse. But once you draw a line in the sand and demand a more mature relationship, your abuser will have to make a choice — either change the behaviors or risk losing you. Even if your partner refuses to change, you can feel more confident and in control until you decide your next steps. 

In this book, you’ll learn: How to restore your shattered identity and sense of self How to cope with hopelessness and despair in long-term abuse How to stick to your non-negotiable boundaries, even if it means walking out the door The critical, iron-clad deal breakers that should cause you to pack your bags How to successfully navigate inner conflict and turmoil about leaving How to effectively confront your abuser about their unacceptable behaviors What it really takes for an abuser to make lasting change How to manage the resistant abuser if you choose to stay How to protect your children from an emotional abuser The 11-step preparation plan before you walk out the door The self-esteem boosting blueprint for a stronger new you The power of personal responsibility and a growth mindset How to establish the new baseline for a healthy, intimate relationship to use for life The next steps to create an abuse-free future 
Emotional Abuse Breakthrough will identify and explain the covert tactics used by emotional abusers to help you quickly recognize them in your daily life.

When you download Emotional Abuse Breakthrough you’ll get easy-to-follow steps on how to rebuild your self-esteem so you can stand up for yourself and set clear and firm boundaries with your abuser.

Buy the book today to gain strength and take back control of your life!

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Wake Up! Break Rules!: It’s Time To Man Up & Live Your Destined Life

Are you tired of doing all the “right” things and still struggling for fulfillment in your stereotypically successful life?

Business consultant and speaker Charlene Gilman was fed up with it too. So, after years of working in the financial services industry, the corporate consultant chased her bliss and shifted her focus to coaching others in the most vital aspects of life. Gilman, using her personal experiences and those of her clients as a firm foundation, details the steps to evaluating your lifestyle for how it empowers your ideals—or not. She dives into cornerstones of a satisfying life:

Career Finance Education Relationships Spirituality Community Recreation Hope

For added insight, Gilman consults psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Felicia Williams, mind-body-health expert Laura Stout, financial expert Trevor Mickelson, and relationship expert Marci Graham of the Human Awareness Institute.

Wake Up! Break Rules! includes instructions and worksheets to help you

change your habits and mind-set for good; train your mind to remove doubt and fear; build satisfying personal, family, and career relationships; nurture your relationship with yourself; develop emotional intelligence; release your inner struggle; and analyze your routines and move into a state of constant development.

Dive in, and chase your destiny!

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Break Through Your BS: Uncover Your Brain’s Blind Spots and Unleash Your Inner Greatness

Tired Of Bullsh*t Holding You Back From The Greatness You Deserve?

Whether it’s BullSh*t excuses, limiting Belief Systems, or the hidden Blind Spots created by a biased brain keeping you stuck in mediocrity, this barrier of BS is the reason the current reality of your life pales in comparison to the potential possibility of the greatness you were made for. Something inside of you knows this… and this is why you’re here, reading these words, ready to say “Now I make the choice to break through everything that’s keeping me from my greatness.”

This Is A Game – Are You Willing To Play?

“Break Through Your BS” isn’t your typical self help book… It’s a game. A challenge. An experience to be had. A journey through the tricks your mind plays on you so you won’t continuously be deceived by them wondering, “How can I do everything right, and yet everything is wrong?” Part poetry, part smart-ass humor, and a heavy dose practical empowerment, this book will likely leave you with more questions than answers, and yet you’ll find this is exactly what you’ve been needing all along.

What’s In Store For You

If you’re looking for clarity and want to make sense out of what the hell is happening right now in your life, you’ll get a playful poke in the side, a compassionate kick in the ass, and sometimes a sobering slap across the face to “Wake up!” and see your own BS. Throughout all of this, you’ll come away with not only more compassion and understanding for yourself, but more compassion and understanding for others. In turn, you might finally be able to help other people that frustrate the hell out of you break through *their* BS as well. #winning

If You’re Brave Enough To Explore Your BS…

Then you’re invited to take the journey into your mind to go beyond your mind. You will discover how to turn what could be your greatest enemy, a bullsh*tting brain with its false assumptions and limiting labels, into your greatest ally. This is a book where you must choose your own journey… You will not always be told what to do… You will be implored to explore your own thinking – and choose for yourself. You will be given many insights from psychology, philosophy, and spirituality – and walk away with no one size fits all answer, and yet still walk away with the only answer that matters.

You’ll Never Be Free From BS, But…

You will be able to work with your BS rather than be overcome by it. Some of the insights you’ll find in this book include… • How going after what you want is the very thing that keeps you from getting it. • The most common mental traps smart people fall for – and why your intelligence can be your greatest enemy. • Why every excuse you have may be 100% factually true, yet still be complete and utter total freaking bullsh*t. • The tricks people use to manipulate you, and how your own brain is using these tricks to sabotage yourself without you even realizing it. • Why your attempt to love and sacrifice for others may be what’s keeping you from experiencing true love. • A simple mental switch you can flip that turns fear into your friend allowing fear to propel you towards your goals rather than push you away from them. • The “myth of independence” and how your desire for self-sufficiency is keeping you from true empowerment. • One mental distinction unlike anything you’ve ever heard that automatically moves you into a growth and progress mindset rather than a perfectionistic fixed mindset. • Why you will never get rid of your BS, and why you should rejoice in that fact. • And more…

So Now You Have A Choice…

Would you rather be bound by your BS, or use this book as but one tool to help you discover how to unleash your Greatness? The choice is yours… Choose wisely.

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The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hidden Toxins in Your Food and Lose Weight, Look Years Younger, and Get Healthy in Just 21 Days!

Cut hidden food toxins, lose weight, and get healthy in just 21 days.

Did you know that your fast food fries contain a chemical used in Silly Putty? Or that a juicy peach sprayed heavily with pesticides could be triggering your body to store fat? When we go to the supermarket, we trust that all our groceries are safe to eat. But much of what we’re putting into our bodies is either tainted with chemicals or processed in a way that makes us gain weight, feel sick, and age before our time.

Luckily, Vani Hari – aka the Food Babe – has got your back. A food activist who has courageously put the heat on big food companies to disclose ingredients and remove toxic additives from their products, Hari has made it her life’s mission to educate the world about how to live a clean, organic, healthy lifestyle in an overprocessed, contaminated-food world, and how to look and feel fabulous while doing it.

In THE FOOD BABE WAY, Hari invites you to follow an easy and accessible plan to rid your body of toxins, lose weight without counting calories, and restore your natural glow in just 21 days. Including anecdotes of her own transformation along with easy-to-follow shopping lists, meal plans, and mouthwatering recipes, THE FOOD BABE WAY will empower you to change your food, change your body, and change the world.