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Bodies, Boundaries & Delight: A 3-step empowerment system for parents and professionals of children aged 0-5

The FIRST of its kind, this book is a must read for all parents and caretakers of children aged newborn to 5 – and older. It is the base of all sexual health education and boundaries and consent from the very start – an empowerment guidebook on topics that are CENTRAL to every child’s life. This book provides the support we all need on how to talk about sex, bodies, boundaries and self pleasuring for very young children. It provides the guidance and support you need to help your children discover and delight in topics that are based on everything about life from a child’s point of view. When we start early, getting comfortable and bringing these subjects into our conversations every day, our children will be empowered, protected, and informed about the most crucial subjects in their lives. This is not something you can wait for later to ‘deal with’. Start now. Do it often. Start by getting comfortable. This book shows you how. Bodies, Boundaries and Delight guides and informs parents with easy steps, essential age appropriate information and simple examples so we may positively affect our children by talking to them about these critical life subjects – from birth on. We practice using correct terms and how to answer young children’s questions in line with our values and ideals. The 3 steps also inspire and heal parts of our sexual self-esteem so we can more easily navigate the waters of this challenging subject as our children grow and develop. Our children need sex, bodies, and boundaries information, comprehension and tools in advance of ever actually using them, to best be prepared to handle the ravages of the social world. * make ‘sex’ and ‘bodies’ an easy and comfortable subject in your home from the very start. * help children develop high self-esteem, good body image, confidence, ability to make and keep healthy friendships and make more positive choices for themselves * stay safer in the face of predators, bullies and abusers – in their daycare, playgrounds or amongst family and peers on playdates or sleepovers * Give young children the language they need to get along better with you, their parents, peers, and care givers As a sex educator, trainer, and parent, I am a firm believer in giving the power of knowledge to my three young children. It has made them strong in spirit and happiness, given them solid social confidence and powerful communication skills. The benefits of Bodies, Boundaries & Delight will bring this reality to your home too. It just takes accurate information and lots of practice. Be in touch for support!

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Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts: 107 Empowering Responses and Boundaries To Use With Your Abuser

Emotional abuse keeps you tongue-tied and anxious, unable to speak up for fear of rocking the boat.

  If you (1) have trouble setting boundaries with your emotional abuser and (2) never know what to say or how to say it in a heated moment without backing down, breaking down, or getting angry yourself, then Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts is your key to learning a new way to respond so you can rebuild your dignity, inner strength, and self-esteem. 

  When your abuser shuts you down with control, anger, manipulation, and subtle threats, it’s hard to know how to respond or what to say without making things worse. 

  When you allow your partner to get away with abusive behaviors without saying anything, or when you lash out in pain and anger yourself, you’re giving away your power and reinforcing your abuser’s control. 

  It’s hard to stand up to an abuser who has systematically stripped you of your self-esteem, dignity, and confidence. In the heat of the moment, it feels impossible to say anything coherent or express how hurtful, unloving, and frightening your abuser’s words and actions are. 


Emotional abusers have a way of twisting your language and turning the tables to blame you or make you feel guilty.

  Once you awaken to these mind games, you no longer need to engage in them.

   There is a way to respond to your abuser clearly, calmly, and confidently. You CAN set strong boundaries and develop logical consequences when you are prepared with what to say, when to say it, and how to respond when your abuser steps over the line.  

  Even those who are deeply insecure around their abuser can take baby steps to more strength and empowerment by learning appropriate responses and practicing them consistently. 

  Even if your partner refuses to change, YOU will feel more confident and in control when you call him or her out on the abuse.  


In this book, you’ll learn:

  How to start with small push-backs to conquer “emotional abuser phobia.”   How to shift the balance of power with an emotionally abusive bully.   10 critical steps to follow before you speak up and set boundaries.   How to time your words for the best effect.  107 confident and mature responses for 16 different abuse situations.  What to say when the abuser responds badly to your new confidence.  Specific boundaries to set with your abuser in common abuse scenarios.  23 logical consequences to use when an abuser crosses the line.  Age-appropriate scripts to use with your children to announce your break-up.  11 firm scripts to use with an ex-abuser who still crosses your boundaries. 


ORDER:Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts:107 Empowering Responses and Boundaries To Use With Your Abuser

Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts is your handbook for reclaiming your strength, finding your words, and knowing with clarity how to respond to your abuser. Your abuser may or may not step up and change, but YOU will no longer feel like a doormat.

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Emotional Abuse Breakthrough: How to Speak Up, Set Boundaries, and Break the Cycle of Manipulation and Control with Your Abusive Partner

Are you being bullied and manipulated and made to feel it’s your fault? Is your self-worth being stripped away by an abusive partner who treats you like a household appliance?

Nothing is more DAMAGING than living with an emotional abuser whose controlling and crazy-making behaviors are causing you to feel afraid, depressed and alone.Physical abuse leaves visible scars, but emotional abuse wounds you to the core.
You know you’re in pain, and you feel isolated, unloved, and even frightened. But your abuser has an uncanny way of turning the tables on you and denying the abuse.

You just wish your partner would finally wake up and treat you with the love, kindness and respect you long for. But no matter what you do, nothing changes.

An abusive bully uses mind games, control, verbal abuse, and other narcissistic traits.

Bestselling author Barrie Davenport will clear up the confusion about whether or not your partner’s behavior is really abuse. Even if you’re hopeless about your situation,Emotional Abuse Breakthrough will open your eyes and empower you for the future.

Victims often fear if they stand up for themselves, their partner will leave or make things worse. But once you draw a line in the sand and demand a more mature relationship, your abuser will have to make a choice — either change the behaviors or risk losing you. Even if your partner refuses to change, you can feel more confident and in control until you decide your next steps. 

In this book, you’ll learn: How to restore your shattered identity and sense of self How to cope with hopelessness and despair in long-term abuse How to stick to your non-negotiable boundaries, even if it means walking out the door The critical, iron-clad deal breakers that should cause you to pack your bags How to successfully navigate inner conflict and turmoil about leaving How to effectively confront your abuser about their unacceptable behaviors What it really takes for an abuser to make lasting change How to manage the resistant abuser if you choose to stay How to protect your children from an emotional abuser The 11-step preparation plan before you walk out the door The self-esteem boosting blueprint for a stronger new you The power of personal responsibility and a growth mindset How to establish the new baseline for a healthy, intimate relationship to use for life The next steps to create an abuse-free future 
Emotional Abuse Breakthrough will identify and explain the covert tactics used by emotional abusers to help you quickly recognize them in your daily life.

When you download Emotional Abuse Breakthrough you’ll get easy-to-follow steps on how to rebuild your self-esteem so you can stand up for yourself and set clear and firm boundaries with your abuser.

Buy the book today to gain strength and take back control of your life!

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The Assertiveness Guide for Women: How to Communicate Your Needs, Set Healthy Boundaries, and Transform Your Relationships

Isn’t it time you took a stand? Many women struggle with assertiveness, but if you’re prone to anxiety and avoidance, it is especially difficult. Grounded in attachment theory, this essential guide will help you identify your thoughts and feelings, balance your emotions, communicate your needs, and set healthy boundaries to improve your life.

When you’re assertive, you’re able to communicate your needs and wishes clearly while respecting yourself and anyone else involved in the interaction. But when you aren’t assertive, you may stop yourself from saying anything when your needs aren’t being met, or end up lashing out in hostile or hurtful ways. People with different attachment styles struggle with being assertive for different reasons, and even women with a secure attachment style may have difficulty expressing emotion when faced with challenging circumstances.

Using strategies based in mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), The Assertiveness Guide for Women can help you understand the attachment styles that keep you from asserting yourself. You’ll learn about the three communication stances—from the passive Doormat to the aggressive (or passive-aggressive) Sword to the assertive Lantern—and find practical examples that show you how to apply your new communication and emotional awareness skills in your own life. Rather than being caught in a cycle of rumination and regret when you’re unable to express yourself or even acknowledge your own needs, you’ll be ready to assert yourself and get what you want.

Whether you’re anxious and overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions, avoidant and struggle to identify your emotions, or otherwise have difficulty expressing yourself, this book will help you become more aware of your own thoughts and feelings, and empower you to ask for what you need, set boundaries, and speak your truth for a more fulfilling life.

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Self-Empowerment Guided Self Hypnosis: Setting Boundaries & Saying No for Healthy Relationships with Bonus Affirmations

This “self-empowerment” guided self-hypnosis program was designed to assist the listener in gaining a positive, confident sense of self, enhancing relationship and communication skills, gaining an increased ability to listen to and trust the self, gaining healthy internal and external boundaries, and saying no when needed. The hypnosis induction features isochronic tones, which are a form of brainwave entrainment to help achieve deeper relaxation. Also included within this program is an extended affirmations track, a meditation track (partly guided, with ancient Solfeggio frequencies), and as an extra bonus, an exciting and powerful drum journey and bodywork track.

Using an alternate induction, hypnotic drum beats, and posthypnotic suggestions related to mind integration, this drum journey is designed to get the listener out of their brain and back into their body. Many find this useful for releasing energy blocks, healing and integrating the mind, body, and spirit.

This audiobook is written and narrated by Anna Thompson, MA, MHP, LMHC, advanced clinical hypnotherapist. For more information about Anna Thompson, please visit Life is short, live it well.

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No Means No!: Teaching children about personal boundaries, respect and consent; empowering kids by respecting their choices and their right to say, ‘No!’

‘No Means No!’ is a children’s picture book about an empowered little girl who has a very strong and clear voice in all issues, especially those relating to her body and personal boundaries. This book can be read to children from 3 to 9 years. It is a springboard for discussions regarding children’s choices and their rights. The ‘Note to the Reader’ at the beginning of the book and the ‘Discussion Questions’ on the final pages, guide and enhance this essential discussion. It is crucial that our children, from a very young age, are taught to have a clear, strong voice in regards to their rights — especially about their bodies. In this way, they will have the confidence to speak up when they are unhappy or feel uncomfortable in any situation. A strong, confident voice as a young child converts to a strong, confident pre-teen, teenager and adult. With the prevalence today of online and offline bullying and various forms of abuse, such as physical, emotional and sexual abuse; our young people need to learn (from a young age) to always speak up when their rights are not being respected. The aim of this book is to empower young children and to give them a voice so they can grow up into empowered adults. When a child, teenager or adult says, ‘No!’ to any form of coercion, this should be immediately respected. A world where ‘No!’ does actually mean ‘No!’ can be a world with far less violence and increased respect for humankind. By educating our children to have true respect for one another, this world can be a much safer and more positive place. Body Safety Education (aka sexual abuse prevention education) empowers girls and boys through knowledge, and teaches them they have the right to say, ‘No’ and to respect other’s personal boundaries. Both girls and boys need to learn to ask for consent and this can be taught from a very young age. Some of the scenarios in this book are typical of approaches used by sexual abusers (sexual predators/molesters/pedophiles) when grooming children for sexual abuse. Their aim is to desensitize the child to having their personal space violated and desensitize them to touch. For more information on Body Safety Education and how to teach it to your child go to

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Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of Your Life

Christians often focus so much on being loving and giving that they forget their own limits and limitations. Have you ever found yourself wondering:

• Can I set limits and still be a loving person?
• How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money?
• Why do I feel guilty when I consider setting boundaries?

In this Gold Medallion Award–winning book, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend give you biblically based answers to these and other tough questions, and show you how to set healthy boundaries with your parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and even yourself.

Boundaries are personal property lines that define who you are and who you are not, and influence all areas of your life.

Physical boundaries help you determine who may touch you and under what circumstances.

Mental boundaries give you the freedom to have your own thoughts and opinions.

Emotional boundaries help you deal with your own emotions and disengage from the harmful, manipulative emotions of others.

Spiritual boundaries help you distinguish God’s will from your own and give you renewed awe for your Creator.

Unpacking ten “laws of boundaries,” Drs. Cloud and Townsend show you how to bring new health to your relationships. You’ll discover firsthand how sound boundaries give you the freedom to walk as the loving, giving, fulfilled individual God created you to be.

In order to call themselves good Christians, many people have drawn overly flexible boundaries (unwilling to say no, always accommodating others’ needs) or overly rigid boundaries (to the point of being righteous and judgmental). Psychologists and inspirational speakers Cloud and Townsend show readers how to set reasonable boundaries in order to follow the true path of Christianity. This book has become immensely popular, most likely because it makes personal boundaries easier to define and is filled with spiritual purpose. Some cautions: the format can be overly self-helpish for such a complex discussion and the authors at one point imply that judicious spankings may be an acceptable form of setting boundaries with children. However, many Christians will probably find themselves grateful for this biblical context of boundaries. –Gail Hudson

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Boundaries in Marriage

Learn when to say yes and when to say no—to your spouse and to others—to make the most of your marriage

Only when a husband and wife know and respect each other’s needs, choices, and freedom can they give themselves freely and lovingly to one another. Boundaries are the “property lines” that define and protect husbands and wives as individuals. Once they are in place, a good marriage can become better, and a less-than-satisfying one can even be saved.

Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend, counselors and authors of the award-winning bestseller Boundaries, show couples how to apply the 10 laws of boundaries that can make a real difference in relationships. They help husbands and wives understand the friction points or serious hurts and betrayals in their marriage—and move beyond them to the mutual care, respect, affirmation, and intimacy they both long for.

Boundaries in Marriage helps couples:

• Set and maintain personal boundaries and respect those of their spouse
• Establish values that form a godly structure and architecture for their marriage
• Protect their marriage from different kinds of “intruders”
• Work with a spouse who understands and values boundaries—or work with one who doesn’t

Establishing and understanding boundaries are crucial to the success of a marriage, according to authors Cloud and Townsend, who cowrote the award-winning and biblically-based book Boundaries. For example, boundaries help us understand where one person ends and the other begins, the authors claim: “Once we know the boundaries, we know who should be owning the problem we are wrestling with,” they write. “This issue of ownership is vital to any relationship, especially marriage.” But more significantly, couples need to claim and take responsibility for the “treasures that lie within their individual borders,” such as: “feelings, attitudes, behaviors, choices, limits, desires, thoughts, values, talents, and love.” Based on the book that elevated them to national prominence, Cloud and Townsend caution readers not to use this self-help manifesto as a means to change one’s spouse. Rather, this is a book about taking responsibility for oneself in all aspects of life, but especially within the boundaries of marital commitment.