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Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts: 107 Empowering Responses and Boundaries To Use With Your Abuser

Emotional abuse keeps you tongue-tied and anxious, unable to speak up for fear of rocking the boat.

  If you (1) have trouble setting boundaries with your emotional abuser and (2) never know what to say or how to say it in a heated moment without backing down, breaking down, or getting angry yourself, then Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts is your key to learning a new way to respond so you can rebuild your dignity, inner strength, and self-esteem. 

  When your abuser shuts you down with control, anger, manipulation, and subtle threats, it’s hard to know how to respond or what to say without making things worse. 

  When you allow your partner to get away with abusive behaviors without saying anything, or when you lash out in pain and anger yourself, you’re giving away your power and reinforcing your abuser’s control. 

  It’s hard to stand up to an abuser who has systematically stripped you of your self-esteem, dignity, and confidence. In the heat of the moment, it feels impossible to say anything coherent or express how hurtful, unloving, and frightening your abuser’s words and actions are. 


Emotional abusers have a way of twisting your language and turning the tables to blame you or make you feel guilty.

  Once you awaken to these mind games, you no longer need to engage in them.

   There is a way to respond to your abuser clearly, calmly, and confidently. You CAN set strong boundaries and develop logical consequences when you are prepared with what to say, when to say it, and how to respond when your abuser steps over the line.  

  Even those who are deeply insecure around their abuser can take baby steps to more strength and empowerment by learning appropriate responses and practicing them consistently. 

  Even if your partner refuses to change, YOU will feel more confident and in control when you call him or her out on the abuse.  


In this book, you’ll learn:

  How to start with small push-backs to conquer “emotional abuser phobia.”   How to shift the balance of power with an emotionally abusive bully.   10 critical steps to follow before you speak up and set boundaries.   How to time your words for the best effect.  107 confident and mature responses for 16 different abuse situations.  What to say when the abuser responds badly to your new confidence.  Specific boundaries to set with your abuser in common abuse scenarios.  23 logical consequences to use when an abuser crosses the line.  Age-appropriate scripts to use with your children to announce your break-up.  11 firm scripts to use with an ex-abuser who still crosses your boundaries. 


ORDER:Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts:107 Empowering Responses and Boundaries To Use With Your Abuser

Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts is your handbook for reclaiming your strength, finding your words, and knowing with clarity how to respond to your abuser. Your abuser may or may not step up and change, but YOU will no longer feel like a doormat.

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The Binman’s Guide to Selling: Top 100 selling techniques, words, strategies, tips, scripts & inspirations

Improve Sales, Selling Strategies & Successful Sales Techniques with The Binman’s Guide to Selling. Working in a fast-growing award winning company, Oisin Browne offers a fresh look at selling to the world of business. Oisin has distilled his varied experience into a series of clearly defined recommendations and selling techniques that combine general observations with illustrative examples in an accessible and engaging format. The Binman’s Guide to Selling will be of value to any business professional looking to put a laser focus on their sales techniques. Oisin presents a genuine and distinct tool to empower and position business people to methods that have the potential to transform their career through improved sales communication and applicable relationship-building practices. Oisin shares selling secrets that can be applied to any business; an in-depth look at advanced selling suggestions and word psychology techniques, creating a winning mindset, providing excellent customer experiences, delivering effective sales pitches, running successful sales meetings, developing extraordinary selling skills and interviews with the top sales teams, business owners and consultants from many successful companies.

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Swan on a Black Sea: A Study in Automatic Writing: The Cummins-Willett Scripts

Swan on a Black Sea is Geraldine Cummins final book which was first published in 1965. The book is an account – an afterlife communication, from the British suffragette and philanthropist, Winifred Margaret Coombe Tennant who passed away in 1956 and first communicated with Cummins in 1957. Coombe Tennant communicated through Cummins using automatic writing; the object being to let her sons know she was still very much alive in the spirit world. The communications are made up of 40 scripts which were communicated between 1957-1960 Throughout her life Coombe Tennant was a talented medium but due to her professional and social standing, she choose to keep her gift a secret from all but a handful of friends, and anonymously she practiced her mediumship under the pseudonym, Mrs. Willet. Her sitters included Sir Oliver Lodge, the renowned British scientist who devoted much of his life to psychical research, and a select number of senior members of the Society for Psychical Research. Relaying her experiences as a travel writer might, reporting back from a distant land, she describes her ability to travel back and forth in time. It’s as if her physical life is a film and she is able to “go into her film” at any time or place and examine her physical life – a life review or judgment some might conclude. On October 29, 1958 (script 32) she addressed her skeptical son Henry who was still alive at the time and was finding it difficult to accept that his dead mother was communicating, ‘There is a dream sweetness about my present state or place. Yet my environment is familiar and totally real. I live in an existence in form both in human etheric forms and surroundings such as in outline nature and man provide. Yet I can be of them and not of them. I am not wedded to them or welded into them. One’s mind can govern and alter conditions in a manner not possible on earth. That is, if one exerts oneself, makes an effort. ‘At present I am at home again in the long ago of Wales. You remember my break in life through your father’s death. You may recall how I went to live in London in a flat. All that period is not my present environment. ‘I am back again in my married life. It is different, though in appearance to my perceptions it is the same outer world of reason, order and sensible arrangements. But it is different, humanly speaking. I am much with Christopher, who is a darling, while your father pairs off with Daff. That is a new experience to me. ‘What is novel also is that I appear to be in a kind of kindergarten and in my working hours I relive in memory what earth time has snatched away from me. So in the study of memory I do not remain at Cadoxton. I enter the film of past events and make excursions into different times in my past earth life so as to assimilate it. The scripts are essentially an afterlife memoir of Winifred Coombe Tennant; they provide a fascinating insight into her world beyond the grave and are essential reading for anyone interested in psychical research and life after death.